Open the door, just for the sake of being curious.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:43, 16 April 2009 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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Oh, what the hell. You got this far with Jill alive, it wouldn't hurt to do somethnig daring without her protection, right? Wrong. You open the door and two zombies jump on you. You fire a bullet that passes through both of their bodies but that's only enough to kill one of them. The other Zombie is still standing and begins to munch on you. You shout and flail your arms like a mad man, but you end up snapping the zombie's neck and shooting him in rage. Your health, now dangerously low, could use a boost. You look inside for assistance of some kind but all you find is some green creature spying you from the wall. It jumps at you and goes right through your body, leaving only your legs standing. It eats your lower half, since you can't crawl anywhere anyway. After dining on your legs the creature uses you as its scratching post... until you turn into a zombie.

You Died

Health 0% Equipment:

Custom .44 Revolver, Keycard

MP 0
Level 3B
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