Downfall/You are sinking - panic even more

From Create Your Own Story

Oh my god - now you are sinking, too. You have to do something. In your panic, you double your efforts, which gains you twice the result: When a hefty slap in the face takes you out of your state of despair, you notice that both Debra and you have sunk in to the waits.

"Stop it, you moron," your sister yells, slapping you repeatedly. "It's not like in the movies. We won't sink in further, it's not a shit movie we are in. The real danger of getting stuck in the sand-water mixture is hypothermia, like you would suffer from in any waterbody over an extended time. So stop behaving like a madman. Grow a pair, dumbass."

You breathe heavily. She is right. You heard the same; Hollywood-style quicksand is bullshit. All you have to do is to keep cool and think of a way to get out, which is easier said than done. And why the hell is Debra calling you names? After all, you tried to rescue her from danger, didn't you?

Safe ground is out of reach, but there is a branch from the tree right above you, slightly out of reach. If one of you can throw something over, they could try to pull themselves upwards. Alternatively, one of you could use the other one to climb up and reach for the branch. Or you could call your mother and make her call the fire brigade (you'd call them yourself, but you don't know where exactly the cabin is located).

State of Clothing Shirt; Shorts; Boxer shorts


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