Serenity: head to armor store

From Create Your Own Story

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Title: Serenity the novice

Health: 100 Gold: 50 Active effects: None

Location: Hard Iron

The very first thing Serenity smells as she enters the well lit store is the heavy scent of burning metal fresh from the forge. It's something that every enthusiast loves when it comes to home crafted armor. There is a large variety of different armor pieces ranging from hardened leather, steel plate leggings and even helmets made of bone from the most vicious monsters out there in the world.

"Welcome ma'am." The shop owner greets his customer in a deep and rough voice. "What brings you to my fine store?

With a smile, Serenity approaches the slightly overweight man and browses his different variety of armor for the quest to come.

Taking her size, the armor smith skews his head and pulls a face that shows a bit of frustration.

"We don't get many, uh... many people with your body type coming in here." The tubby man says with disappointment. "We do have a few options here for you just to the side."

There are a few pieces to choose from but all vary in price and quality, Serenity didn't have much of a choice when it came to picking something but it is better than having no options at all.

Serenity: buy a pair of iron pauldrons (40 Gold)

Serenity: buy a pair of steel boots (95 Gold)

Serenity: buy a set of Dragon-cast forged armor (550 Gold)

Serenity: leave store

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