Serenity: buy a pair of iron pauldrons

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Title: Serenity the novice

Health: 100 Armor: 10 Gold: 10 Active effects: None

Location: Hard Iron

Picking up the weighty set of pauldrons, Serenity smiles and tries on the shoulder pads. It is a nice fit and she imminently felt more of a tank that could take on a heavy hit. Tightening the straps to secure the armor pieces to her arms, the blacksmith gives a nod and smirks knowing he has a satisfied customer.

"They fit pretty well." Says the blacksmith as he makes his way back to his counter.

Serenity's armor has increased!

"Thank you!" Serenity pleasantly says as she counts out and hands over the gold pieces to finalize the transaction.

Serenity: leave the store

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