Check on Anastasia

From Create Your Own Story

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“Please do, sis.” As Raphael takes you up on the offer. Although you’re now the sovereign of the land, and your brothers never will be, you’re happy to do things like this for them. Besides, you reason in your head that as queen you need to know that all parties are taken care of. The boys are fine, the vagrant is almost certainly in shackles now thanks to Lars. That leaves Anastasia, this northern woman and the object of the triplet’s affections, unaccounted for.

You start your search where you last saw her, in the courtyard outside the main ballroom. She’s still there, crestfallen and confused, but unharmed. You approach her gingerly

“Anastasia?” you ask the woman, sitting on the wall of a flower box. Looking at her, you see the attraction. She’s petite and pale; as opposed to the suntanned women of the kingdom. Her brown hair is exceptionally long and put into a complex series of braids. She has an aura of strength about her, someone who is not above a hard days work.

“Oh! Yes your Majesty! So sorry that our meeting should be from such circumstances” She says earnestly as she begins to get up from her seat. You motion for her to return to sitting

“No, it’s quite alright. It’s not your fault. Men will be men, after all. Are you okay?”

“Quite alright, thank you. And the three young men? What about them?”

“Those would be my brothers, and they’re doing well considering. Had my protector not come sooner, it could have ended much worse. They were more concerned that you were doing alright.”

“That is very kind of them, and of you to check on me. I’m not used to such men in the North.”

You knew of certain reputations for Northmen to be brutes and drunkards, but you expected much of that was harmful stereotypes “They don’t treat women with respect where you come from?”

Anastasia shook her head “Only so much as their code of honor commands them to. Women are a prize to display, our purpose to create strong men to continue family lies”

“So that would make the man who attacked my brothers?”

“My brother. His honor demands that he protects me, especially from the attention of weaker men.”

“Certainly sounds like you don’t approve”

“I don’t, but I am complaint, when I must be. Given the choice, I would very much like to see your brothers again.”

You smile earnestly, “I’d be more than happy to make that happen for the four of you. Please, follow me”

You lead Anastasia to your brothers room. Once through the doorway, she rushes in to kiss Raphael, the injured of the three. The other two quietly approach her, waiting their turn for intimacy. You know where this is going from here, and your attention and presence is no longer required.

The rest of the evening goes by without a significant ruckus. Your guests ask where you had been, and explain as much as they need to know. You choose to leave out the part where you helped orchestrate a breach of etiquette and possibly lead a woman get all of her holes filled by your three brothers.

The next day, Yuliy is much more complaint as he is let out of prison. Anastasia is fine as well, though moved much slower than she had the night before. You’re sure your brothers were gentlemen, but your curiosity also causes you to wonder just how of them she got. You decide not knowing is better off, and choose not to ask the triplets, nor do they volunteer to share it with you. All in all, things went as well as they could have.

Begin Chapter 2 as the Maiden Queen

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