D&D: FDS Galrick: "Nah nevermind. tell me more about this job of yours.

From Create Your Own Story

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"Not here."

He grins and let go of the slave at his side. He make a motion at one of his men, his second in command and he gets the girl somewhere else. Meanwhile, Galrick gets up and you follow him into a backroom. You pass several guarded checkpoint and the noise of the hidden tavern slowly dies out in the distance. He opens up a room flanked with two guards and invites you in. You get in and he close the door behind you. It's not your first time here. The study is pretty big and elaborate although the place feel dark and enclosed. No windows or anything. A large desk makes up most of the room with several maps of the city. this is where galrick strategize his operations. There's a second door in the room and you know full well it leads to the bedroom, where you and the thief lord got to know each other inside out.

"Hrm. I hope your brunettes dosnt get jealous you left them behind." you tease.

"Bah. I can always get back to them later. You're a more interesting company." he smiles and nods. "So wanted to know more ?"

D&D: FDS Galrick: Forget the job and offer to have sex

D&D: FDS Galrick: Inquire about the job he mentionned before

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