The Game They Play- Scholar- Strategy

From Create Your Own Story

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"They were a strategist. I suppose saying they were a scholar was not precisely accurate. Allow me to correct that to general-in-training," the feminine voice explains.

"Well, now that might hold something interesting. A general, you say?" the masculine voice sounds eager.

"This coming shortly after your rant on most generals being cowards who are too weak to enter the battlefield?" the feminine voice questions.

"I'm trying to make the best 'a a bad deal here. A commanded war is better than nothing," the masculine voice responds.

"Well if we are quite done, shall we begin?" the femenine voice asks.

"A'ight," the masculine voice agrees. You hear a soft grunt of affirmation from the third party. You feel a tingling sensation race over your body, and you breathe in deeply, finally having the opportunity to.

"You will see us again, dear mortal, but not for a while. You may not know the rules, but all we ask of you is to play the game. Good luck," You feel a gentle caress on your forehead, of a normal sized hand this time.

"If nothing else, put up a good show," the masculine voice states. The final voice remains silent.

"Let the game begin," the feminine voice announces, a regal edge to her voice this time.

The Game They Play Status Scholar
Health 75 Equipment Skills
Mana 120 Nothing Nothing
Area ?
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