2T4U/Angel Abilities

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Angel Abilities

An angel is a servant to the Judeo-Christian God, YHWH. They are winged humanoids, though their appearance varies by their stature. They are the servants of God while humanity are his children. By this factor they are inferior to humanity in God's eyes, but still have some power over them. Angels are NOT superior to humans, they are our father's servants.

  • Hierarchy: An angel's appearance is determined by their stature and standing within the heavenly host.
    • The first sphere of angelic hierarchy are the heavenly counselors. They are rarely seen on Earth so I will only describe their duties and appearance, not their abilities.
      • Seraphim: Seraphim have three pair of wings (that's six wings). They are the highest order of angels and are responsible for the care of the throne of God and give him council.
      • Cherubim: Cherubim do NOT look like little babies with wings (those are putti, and were confused with cherubim). Cherubim have two pair of wings (four wings). They have four faces, that of a man, an ox, a lion, and an eagle. They God's guards, guarding both the Garden of Eden and God's throne.
      • Ophanim: Ophanim (also known as Thrones) are the symbols of God's power, they are not humanoid, but appear as a wheel within a wheel, their rims covered with hundreds of eyes.
    • The second sphere of angelic hierarchy are the heavenly governors. They are also rarely seen on Earth so once again I will only describe their duties and appearance, not their abilities.
      • Dominions: Dominions (also known as Lordships or Hashmallim) regulate the duties of lower angels and preside over nations. It is exceedingly rare that the angelic lords make themselves physically known to humans. They have one pair of wings, and can be distinguished from other angels by a sphere of light that is fastened to the head of their scepter or the pommel of their sword.
      • Virtues: Virtues (also known as Strongholds) supervise the movements of the heavenly bodies (stars, planets, galaxies, etc.) to ensure that the cosmos remains in order. They have no special distinguishing features.
      • Powers: Powers (also known as Authorities) are God's historians and personal guard. They are also responsible for the distribution of power among humanity.
    • The third sphere of angelic hierarchy are the heavenly messengers and soldiers. These are the angels that regularly visit Earth, and therefor will be fully detailed (at some point).
      • Principalities: Principalities (also known as Rulers) are angels that give blessings to the material world. They are the guardians ofn educators of the realm of Earth. They wear crowns and carry scepters.
      • Archangels: Archangels are God's military might. These are the soldier angels, and are sent to deliver God's wrath. There are seven Archangels, and they each hold more positions that just Archangel (for instance Michael is also Seraphim). They bear flaming swords.
      • Angels: Angels are the lowest order of the angelic hierarchy, and the most common. They aid the other angels in whatever needs to be done. They are the foot soldiers and messengers.

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