A nearby, comfortable-looking couch

From Create Your Own Story

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You settle yourself on the large couch and close your eyes.

You feel two pairs of fangs brush your neck. You mumble something unintelligible as you come slowly awake. When you open your eyes, Jenna and Rayne are nibbling lightly on your flesh.

"Hello again, mortal," Jenna purrs.

"We want more of you," Rayne husks.

Endora walks over and gives you a smile. "As do I."

"What?" Jenna gasps. "After you did all that with Rayne and I, you still had the energy to pleasure Endora?"

You smile. "She's awesome as well. Between the three of you I see no reason to ever leave this place."

"Between the three of us," Rayne says, "you should have died from fatigue."

Jenna scoops you into her very strong arms and carries you back towards her bedroom, with Rayne and Endora at her heels. "Let's get it on, ladies... and mortal."

The four of you, naked, climb into Jenna's large bed.

"We should take turns fucking him, while the other two of us pleasure each other," Endora suggests.

Rayne smiles. "So who gets your cock first?"

Health Horny Location:

Vampiress’ Castle

MP 0
Level 1
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