Get off of the bed

From Create Your Own Story

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You can't stand sitting on that rock-of-a-bed any longer. The door in across from you slides open with a hydrologic whir. A heavily muscled man with a handlebar moustache stands in the doorway. "What are you still doing in here private?" He stares at you with wild, unbelieving eyes. "Get some breakfast and be quick about it. Today's a big day. For everyone" Confused, you stand there, staring at him. Instinctively, you nod. The man mutters something under his breath and walks briskly away, clearly in a hurry. You notice a little button next to your door and press it. The same hydrologic whir sounds, and the door slides close. To your right, a similar button stands out on the wall. You press it, and a drawer pops out of the wall, with what looks like a military uniform. You take out a pair of matching grey pants and shirt. Hesitantly, you pull on the clothes, unsure of what you're getting yourself into. Once dressed, you step out of your room, and come across a hallway to your left, and one to your right.

Which way should you go, private?

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