DIM Just Alice And Bridget

From Create Your Own Story

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You woke up on the sand, laying on your side, exhausted. The sun was blinding you every time you tied to open your eyes, from those short periods when you could see something more than queasy whiteness you deduced you must be on some kind of a desert.

When you fully opened your eyes you saw the sun at it's meridian. You were so sleepy... but you knew you have to move from the sun, find some shadow. You slowly got on your fours. Irresistible nausea shook your body and you threw up with water. Feeling sick you looked around and noticed the sand you were right now wasn't an endless desert. It was just a beach. Small one, with clearly visible line of trees. In fact the weird noise you thought was the result of some kind of concussion was simply the sound of waves rushing to a shore. The sight of water reminded you how thirsty you are. But you can't drink that water. It must be salty. You can't do that.

Slowly you crawled to the nearest tree and rested in it's shadow. Now you took a good look at yourself. Nothing seemed broken, just a few bruises. You were missing one shoe, but your T-shirt seemed to be intact, your jeans were in pretty nice shape, except for the left pant leg. On it's side there was a long cut, thankfully whatever cut it missed your leg. Just to be sure you checked your leg. When you touched your thigh, near to it's end, you felt something. There was blood on you fingers. You carefully wiped your hand to more precisely inspect your wound. It didn't seem big, nothing was stuck in it. Just a regular cut. If you would fell off your bike. Thought of you surviving a plane crash with only a "bike cut" made you laugh.

The sun was setting now, you must've fall asleep. You didn't know much about the sun placement and how it's related to how much hours of sunlight you'll have, but it looked like there is plenty of time left. You had to go search for some water.

After a while of searching you found a stick that seemed like a suitable weapon. It's not much, but hey, you can still smack something with it. Slowly, you entered the forest.

It was darker in there, obscurity was making everything scary. To find a way out you started removing a bit of tree bark from the trees. Time flew by and you found no sign of water. Your tongue was sticking to the roof of your mouth. You had to find some water. Suddenly you head burbling. You forgot about everything and run towards that sound.

When you saw the stream you just suck onto it, not even thinking about boiling it. You threw up again. That was weird, you thought wiping you mouth. No, actually it's not, when you're dehydrated you can't drink water too fast - you remembered. On your second attempt you took little sips, you started felling better.

Now, how do you come back?

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