Start rubbing your 11-inch cock

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:39, 28 April 2012 by Bigcockstu37 (Talk | contribs)
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For some reason, you find that the best mode of action is to inconspicuously begin rubbing your cock and make yourself cum before class ends.

You have four minutes before the bell rings, and thus, four minutes to cum.

You look furiously for somebody in class to look at to bring yourself to orgasm, and your eyes lock on Amanda Winner. She's a hot auburn-coiffed goddess who seemed to flirt with you a bit last year (at least you thought so. She pinched you hard one day when she was trying to lure some information out of you. You don't even remember what intel she was trying to get out of you -- just that she touched you that day and gave you something to jerk off about).

Amanda developed in her own right over the summer. Barely an A-cup last year, she has blossomed to a full C this year, and has chosen to show it off on her first day of school. An inch of hot cleavage is peeking above her tight V-neck top.

Focusing intently on Amanda's tits, you rub slowly and purposefully, trying lure out a load.

What do you do?

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