Sit back and (Kingston)

From Create Your Own Story

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You sit patiently waiting to see what will come next... “Surely they should be crossing into the zone soon, or did they stop to look at a map maybe” you think to yourself. Suddenly, you are shaken by two small but distinct explosions, poor suckers, good thing you decided not to ally with them, clearly they are too stupid to be partnered with.

You head out of hiding towards the direction they went too, “I want there supplies... if they are intact now that is” you mumble. As you reach the location of the blood and the head of Paul laying on the ground you don't dare take another step, you know you are close to the danger zone yourself and you don't want to end up like them.

You make a quick but deliberate search of the area paying attention not to go more then another step closer to where you believe the zone will start. You find the crossbow and a couple of bolts lying together, as you turn around you see the bottom half of Paul, you walk over to check it to find a pack of cigarettes and a Colt 45, you're in luck, now you have a gun.

You move back out of the area, sure that you aren't too close to the zone. You need to get moving, but you are tired too, should you...

Character: CJ Kingston
Alive: 48 students
Hours Remaining: 65
Weapons Aquired: Machete, Crossbow, Colt 45
Friends: None
Kills: Heather Locker (girl #20); Paul Hall (boy#22)

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