Reflect on what I already know

From Create Your Own Story

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Let's see... I know the victim was Dr. Reiner Harrison. From the picture at his death, he had dark, greasy hair. I doubt that is relevant, but you never know... Mid-40s, average height, olive complexion, somewhat exotic looking yet plain at the same time. A little on the heavy side. Wearing the typical white coat. Although the room was left mostly the same after he was found, his body has been cleared-out for forensics, so the picture may be important. Probably a waste of time to send him to forensics though... the murderer may not have even been in the same room. Of course that is what makes this so fun for me.

He was crushed by some sort of large chamber. A normal human could not possibly have moved it... but of course the suspects are not normal humans... I don't know the medical aspects too well, but I think all the bleeding was internal as his coat is still white and there were no traces of blood anywhere.

That covers the who and the what... Well, the who of the victim anyways. We are pretty sure that something unusual took place so the powers that each of the suspects possess will be important clues. Martin seems pretty unlikely. As far as I know reading minds does not allow him to move heavy objects. Besides, I can't imagine him killing anyone. Unless you can irritate someone to death.

Motive. Of course the motive may develop as I learn more about the suspects, but all of them had some shared motive. Obviously Dr. Harrison was experimenting on them. I hear a slightly different story from everyone I talk to. Some say he wanted to help them enhance their powers, some say remove them, some say help develop them in others. The bottom line is that none of them were here willingly, and he stood in the way of their freedom. I try to forget the fact that it is I that currently bars their freedom. And I am helpless against some of them. I must be careful not to share the fate of Dr. Harrison. I hope the fact that I treat them like humans and not lab rats will save me his end. I'm pretty sure they were sometimes held in the very chamber used to kill him. Of course, this could be quite poetic, his own freedom permanently taken by the very instrument used to deny them theirs. Or maybe they just had a bad day and nothing poetic about it.

The suspects. I'm not quite sure exactly how many people are currently instuitutionalized here but I think 12 or so have at some point or other. Even though not all of the, "patients" are here now, no one seems to suspect the return of an angered patient. Considering most people don't even know these "super-beings" exist and I deal with them on a daily basis, I am still kept in the dark about a lot. The fact no one suspects them and I was told nothing makes me sure they are dead.

I think back to my training... Weapons! Heh. That's sort of irrelevant in my line of work. Nothing or anything can be a weapon in these cases. Of course I couldn't really get any specialized training since this is sort of a "new branch." I'm basically the only person that handles these cases.

I look around. I guess I lost track of Martin while I was deep in thought but I'm sure he just wondered off someplace. I've been here an hour and I think all I've done so far is talked to Martin. I really should move on to someone else. Martin's powers give him access to all the information I need but after wasting... or rather spending an hour with him I realized he wants to play with me, not help me. Perhaps even distract me. It wouldn't be absurd for him to want to protect someone who may help him achieve his own freedom. Or even just someone he can identify with. That's when I realized there was someone else with information: Wendy.

Dr. Wendy Lewis. She was Dr. Harrison's second in command. Human, as in no powers whatsoever. I wonder what she knows. She may not have the whole story, but she may be the only person that actually wants to help me.

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