D&D: What is it this colorful gnome wants? It's certainly worth a look.

From Create Your Own Story

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Deciding to meet with the gnome you tell Lommy of your decision and task him with giving along your message to him. You leave the inn and tavern of Lommy, The Rearing Hippocampus, once again reminded to ask him why he had called his establishment that, fully knowing that once you have made four steps you will have forgotten it again already. You make your way to the market, better get your equipment in order before you need it.

Though it is early, especially for someone of your profession, a lot of people are already on their feet and going around their daily business. The small market is actually no market per se, it is more or less a series of wider streets on which the storeowners either simply occupy the space directly before their stores with booth' or set up a new one alltogether. It is filled with a myriad of people already, from all over the world as far as you concerned. But then again, this is the Docks, the most notorious and colorful of the wards and in your mind the beating, living heart of Waterdeep.

You stock up on bolts for your handcrossbow and grab your small bag with thieves tools from a local blacksmith who had repaired them for you, paying for all this with the content of a small purse you have found through miraculous means. Sad how some people loose their stuff by simply not watching where they are going, isn't it?


It is early evening and you sit in Lommy's tavern on your usual table, feet kicked up and a small mug of ale in your hands on which you sometimes sip. You have the mug more for appearance sake than to actually drink from it, you know that you must keep sober but also don't want to look out of place. You have to wait a while before your possible-provider-of-coin steps into the bar room, just like Lommy had promised about sundown he comes in and walks straight up to the bar. You take the time to seize him up and immediately you notice several things. First, he is wearing very expensive but old and well worn red leather boots. Second, his pants and doublet and shirt may look expensive, but they are actually of only moderate quality. And the most important thing is, that on his belt a pouch for material components is hanging, as well as a small book. You bet he is an illusionist, he just seems the type.

He and Lommy exchange a few words, then he turns around into your direction. After a few more words he takes a small mug of something from Lommy and then walk up to you, not even waiting for an invite but just simply sitting down opposite of you. "Hello. Lommy have told me you would be interested in sharing in on an adventure AND make some money while doing it?"

He has a big, fat grin on his features and also a slim, well trimmed goatee on his chin. You take another sip from your ale before you reply: "I suppose I do. But that depends on what this adventure includes. I must warn you, I don't kiss on the first date."

"Ah, what a shame, pretty gal like you", he gives back, still grinning, and winkes at you. "Well, about that adventure... Have you ever heard about a man named Fillion Thul?"

Of course you have, what sort of question is that? Still you humor him. "Fillion Thul? The Fillion Thul who is filthy rich as well as arrogant and all too full of himself? The Fillion Thul who has made his money with illegal slave trade, robbery, piracy and dealings with such delightful fellows as the Cult of the Dragon and the Zhent? That Fillion Thul?"

"Yes, exactly, that Fillion Thul."

"No, can't say I have", you answer with a smirk. For a second he looks at you in amused confusion, then he chuckles. You join him in that. At least he has humor, you have to give him that. "So, this pleasant fellow rumored to have a taste for human flesh, what is it you want from him?"

"Oh, nothing special", your conversational partner replies in a jovial manner. "I just want to robb him of what he owes my former master."

"And that would be?"

"Gems worth 50.000 gold coins."

D&D: 50.000 gold? Of course you do it.

D&D: Nope, you know a bad idea when you see one. Better not to get involved in this.

D&D: Nope, you know a bad idea when you see one. But while you're at it, this fellow here doesn't look to bad. Perhaps he's up for a tumble.

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