D&D: FDS Ask Fey about taking a patron

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:44, 20 March 2021 by Borkenone (Talk | contribs)

You walk to the counter and look at her. She immedietly notice your figure aproaches. She lower her eyes as she was trained to in the presence of dark elves and important guest:"Lady Jhularra. May I be of assistance today ?"

"Yes. You most certainly could be. I was seeking to sate my lust into someone." you ask with a grin. She still avoid eye-contact but answer :"Would my lady like anything in particular ?"

"I do believe you've come to know my taste dear girl... do you have something I could find...pleasant?" you say with a lustful voice. She turns the entry book to you and she present to you a few entry that could possibly satisfy you.

You choose at random and Fey gives you a room number. You smile at her and head there. You enter the rooms the girls here use to... service the customers. It's a simple but well decorated bedroom. You know that there are much more kinkier room below, in the dungeon. You hear footstep aproaching and your victim/customer finaly comes in and he is :

D&D: FDS A human

D&D: FDS A hobgoblin

D&D: FDS A drow

D&D: FDS A dwarf

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