If you think you can drive the submarine, click here

From Create Your Own Story

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" I belive that I can drive the Red October!" you say. You sit down at the controls. Gripping the wheel in one hand, and the speed control in the other, you propel the Red October to America( note: there are no windows in submarines, only gauges and digital read outs. Think of trying to drive a submarine like trying to drive a car with it's windows painted over with nothing but a map and stopwatch). You drive the Red October at full speed toward America. You are quite a good subdriver seeing how you have never done this before. You continue on for the next few days, taking shifts with Ramius who is the only other person who can drive the sub. On the fourth day, during your shift, Ramius yells" Russian submarine on sonar!" The submarine is Tupolov's, the other submarine captain that was at the docks! He has been sent to destroy the Red October! He is in a much smaller and faster submarine. You could fight him and win, or try to escape. What should you do?

click here to fight Tupolov

click here to try to escape

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