The Johnson Family/James

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< The Johnson Family
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Still half asleep, James nestles his head further into the plush mounds, that he'd planted himself between, earlier in the night. He may not know what they are, but he likes them a lot, and he likes Jessica's the best. During the day, she'd never let him near them, always covering them up with padding. During the night, however, she let them breathe free, with only a thin tee-shirt holding them back.

He gently paws at one of the soft orbs, in front of him, squeezing and caressing the warm sphere, idly, as a small bump begins to form, facing slightly away from him. Thinking it's just a piece of grit, under her shirt, he tries to rub it out from under there, only to feel it enlarge more, the harder he tries.

Jessica's breathing begins to sound heavier and more laboured, as her grip around him slowly tightens, holding him close. One of her bare long legs slides over him, locking him against her hips, as the weight of her body traps him underneath her.

As he continues to play with her chest, he...

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