VRX 9000: Sex Games / Blue Glyph (1211).

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''Random Adventures - Temple Adventure'''
'''Round 4: Demon Gate'''
'''Your Character:'''
Your level: ''3''.
Your health: ''Healthy''.
Your equipment: ''Ooze Infested Clothing, Sword, Medium Armor''.
Your allies: ''None''.
Your abilities: ''Iron Skin'', ''Damage Resistance''.
'''The Story:'''
You decide to choose the blue glyph again. The green one disappears and the blue glyph glows brightly summoning your next challenge in the temple. The glow of the glyph feels dark and you mutter under your breath knowing things are about to get hard. You choose the difficult challenge. A red haze immediately covers the room and you hear the sound of crackling energy from on top of the hill. Turning you spot a demonic portal opening on the very top of the hill, foul red imps pouring out of it already. Cursing the unholy portal you know you must defeat it quickly otherwise too many demons will pour out and you won't stand a chance at defeating it. You grip your sword and charge the nearest imps with an elvish battle cry.
The first battle is easy, cleaving two imps in half without a thought. You spear another through just to sling it free of your blade sending another flailing down the hill. Unfortunately, all else does not go well. Just as you jump into a small swarm of five the black ooze pours out of the top of your armor and coats your face blinding you and seeping down your throat. You immediately choke and gag, flailing wildly with your sword with one hand while your other reaches up to try and tear the ooze away. What bad luck to have it act up like this now! It is almost as if it is reacting to the demonic gate.
You feel a sharp blow to the back of your knee then piercing claws and daggers working at your armor. You try to flail around but eventually drop your sword and tear at the ooze with both hands as it continues masking your face. You scream a muffled cry of terror as is coats your face forming a tight latex mask covering it entirely. You feel yourself losing consciousness as you still can't breath and fall to the ground to the mercy of the imps. They make short work of your armor, tearing it to bits with their infernal claws as you moan in horror clawing uselessly at the black mask along your face. You feel it shifting over your body as well, forming a thick leather collar around your neck before trailing down to encircle your firm breasts but does not cover them. It wraps around you in a sensual, seductive manner and no longer fucks you but instead shows you off invitingly to the imps.
Just as it finally leaves your mouth and you gasp a loud breath of relief the imps summon infernal chains from the demonic plane and bind your hands in manacles pulling them behind you back. You scream in horror, blinded as you feel the mask writhing on your face. You feel thick black heels forming on your feet and you kick out desperately spearing an imp with one. In the end it is no use and the imps swarm you manacling your ankles to the earth as well. You hear demonic cackling and laughing as they play with your body next, their demonic needles piercing you all over. The imps giggle and laugh and enjoy shaping your body to their will. They slide needles into your clit and nipples, labia, nose, stomach, and tongue. By the time they are done you have nipple rings, three tongue beads, a thick nose ring, a clit ring, four rings along your pussy, and a stomach bead.
You moan in humiliation as they start to use you then, an imp climbing on top of your whorish body to start fucking your breasts pulling your nipples up hard by your new nipple rings. Manacled and masked you can only scream and moan back until you are muffled. An imp rides your face and shoves his peckish little cock between your lips forcing you to suck on it or gag while he tugs your face over and over by your nose ring. The other imps play with your exposed body, demonic fingers soon rubbing your clit and pulling on your clit ring making you moan. Others start spreading and filling your pussy until you thrust your hips against them pathetically. Even others find your asshole and play with it causing you to writhe in the manacles under them.
Unable to stand it all, you finally give a mighty cry and use your last ability ''Iron Skin''. Your entire body turns to that of iron and the manacles immediately have no effect. They are part of your body as they merge with your skin and you immediately stand up throwing imps each and every way. With one hand you reach forward and tear the ooze from your body, the black ooze unable to take hold against your iron skin. Melting back into the dirt you stomp it to death finally able to get at it properly. Imps scatter around you as you look around ready to crush them all. Your hopes are dashed when you look up to see two massive demons step out of the portal. You were too late.
Knowing you only have one shot at this you grab your sword and shrug off the imps as you charge up the hill. The two massive red demons covered in thick armor move to intercept you and guard the demon gate. Your blade strikes against the armor, and while you might be able to defeat them eventually if you wait any longer another even more powerful demon will arrive. You cut down the last imps around you then make a decision. You'd rather deal with these two than whatever comes after them. Ignoring their blows with your iron skin you use all your remaining strength to soak your iron skin into your sword making it massive then hurl it at the demonic gate.
The two demons are not expecting it and hiss and howl in anger as your massive iron-infused blade crashes against it shattering the demonic portal into a million pieces. Enraged, the two demons set upon you in fury, and without your weapon you don't stand a chance. You are quickly defeated and pinned to the ground before the two demons decide what they want to do with you. You moan in horror as they simply start to summon black leather, masking you once more amid your screams. Your head is entirely covered by black leather and a long, black cock gag shoved between your lips muffling your cries. You sob in terror as you choke on the cock half down your throat and have no way of stopping the demons as they reattach your piercings.
The next step they bind your hands into hard balls not letting you use your fingers then attach your ankles to your upper thighs so you must walk on your knees. Then, unable to resist your beautiful elvish body any longer, one demon takes you doggy-style as you whimper on all fours. You gag and moan, muffled choking on the cock gag as the demon's throbbing red cock fucks you hard from behind. The demon enjoys thrashing your ass with a fiery whip as he fucks you causing you to scream as he takes your meaty thighs over and over until you are broken. When he is done you are pulled onto the other and are forced to ride him, your chest played with by it's massive tongue wrapping around your firm breasts and squeezing them while he thrusts up into you.
Your hands strike useless blows until you are filled with cum just to be turned around and fucked in the ass and grabbed by the neck. As you lay your back on the demon and start to get fucked the other demon slides on top of you and lifts your legs to start fucking your abused pussy as well. Double penetrated by the demons you can only wail and moan, gagged and abused as your slave body gets fucked until you can only moan uselessly in the demon's possession. In the haze of it all just after you buck your hips cumming pathetically you feel the presence of two new elvish runes appearing on the iron bars. You barely have the will power to reach out and select one hoping for a savior.
'''Which elvish rune do you pick?'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Blue Glyph (12111). ]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Green Glyph (12112). ]]

Current revision as of 19:25, 31 January 2024

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