Washington, D.C.

From Circle Of The Crone

Revision as of 23:46, 30 October 2011 by CPicado (Talk | contribs)

Prince: Mariketa (Gangrel, Hounds of Acteon Bloodline, Ordo Dracul

  • Prince's Harpy: Trevor Llewellyn (Ventrue, The Carthian Movement)
  • Hound: Julian Drabek (Gangrel, Bruja, The Carthian Movement)
  • Herald: Tiny (Daeva, The Carthian Movement)
  • Seneschal: Lord Daniel Ambrose (Ventrue, Circle of the Crone)
  • Sheriff: Helena Montoya (Gangrel, Ordo Dracul)
  • Deputy: Eve Salander (Gangrel, The Carthian Movement)
  • Master of Elysium: Ozzy Sobe (Gangrel, Circle of the Crone)


  • The Carthian Movement: Eve (Gangrel)
  • Circle of the Crone: Ruby Deveroux (Nosferatu)
  • Invictus: Alder Hyde-Locke (Daeva)
  • Lancea Sanctum: Reverend Aniela (Gangrel)
  • Ordo Dracul: Kennitt McCoy (Mekhet)

Prisci Council

  • Harpy for the Prisci: Alia
  • Daeva Priscus: Lady Rowen Blackrose (Invictus)
    • Whip: Master Luigi "Lou" Colombo (Invictus)
  • Gangrel Priscus: Julian Drabek (The Carthian Movement)
    • Whip: Jason (Ordo Dracul)
  • Mekhet: Father Coldfield (Lancea Sanctum)
    • Whip: Dominic Santano (Circel of the Crone)
  • Nosferatu: Democritas (Ordo Dracul)
    • Whip: Vincent "Vinny" Gallo (The Carthian Movement)
  • Ventrue: Lord Daniel Ambrose (Circle of the Crone)
    • Whip: Vacant

The Cabal of Washington DC

Hierophant: Solana Flores (Nosferatu, Badicelli)

Benedict Vash (Mekhet) Daniel Ambrose (Ventrue) Lord Aggreaux (Ventrue) Ozzy Sobe (Gangrel) Urvi Ajay Ayushmati (Gangrel) Dominic Santano (Mekhet) Gardner (Ganrel) Ruby Deveroux (Nosferatu) Daichi Kioku (Mekhet)

Washington has always been favorable to residents and visitors of the Circle of the Crone. Until this year, Praxis was traded in a cycle between the Invictus and the Circle. Lady Vivien held Praxis of the City on and off from 1960. The many Respected and Admired of other Covenants make Washington a hub of communication and cooperation between them to forestall issues in other areas.

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