(Abdul-)Malik Haqim

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Malik Humor Sketch "Nakagusuku Shadow"


The Nakagusuku Shadow (Titles)

The Honorable Malik Haqim of the Ryukyu Kingdom

  • Hero and Arbiter of the Eternal Night
  • Member of Shogun's Council of Princes
  • Former Hierophant of the Nippon Empire
  • Acknowledged by the Clan of Shadows (Mekhet Status 1)
  • Respected by Servants of the Dark Mother (Crone Status 4)
  • Admired within the Ryukyu Kingdom (Okinawa City Status 5)

Shades Cast No Shadows (The True Beginning)

Malik's name comes to be known among locales around 1950, in London England. He is seen as a loyal servant of Lady Cloe Griffith (Mekhet 2, Crone 2, Okinawa City 4), a traveling Circle spiritual healer. He shows up throughout the Middle East as a martial defender of Circle ways and secrets. Than seems to vanish until present day...

In the beginning of 2005, Lady Cloe Griffith and (Abdul-)Malik arrive in Okinawa Japan and do nothing more than observe the courtly activities from the shadows as they continue their research on asian healing rituals. Life had been peaceful for fifty years, but that was all about to change.

In the early spring of 2005 the Belial’s Brood struck the island and laid waste to the masquerade. The court was thrown into disarray as the Daimyo of the island is mercilessly cut down. The coteries were collapsing and foreigner hating Japanese elders sought to rid the island of all kindred gaijin. The court was besieged by Praxis after Praxis and in the end only a few stood, Nicolas Barrozzi (Venture 3 and Invictus 3), Asai Katsuo (Mekhet 1, Crone 1, and Okinawa City 1), Gabriel Sinclair Angustri (Gangrel 1, Ordo Dracul 3, and Okinawa City 3), Cloe and Malik. Nicolas Barrozzi would become Prince and begin the first foreigner secured Court.

For Malik’s devotion to put his beast to test time and time again for the masquerade and the protection of the court, he was made Sheriff. With the assistance of the known scourge, Gabriel, he destroyed numerous threats to the court both mortal and supernatural. His ability to kill from the shadows and maintain control over his humanity gained him the alias of Arbiter of the Eternal Night. This has been the staple of all discussions concerning Malik as his death toll reaches almost a hundred while serving on this island.

Fear and trust was earned throughout the court and Malik found himself and Cloe drifting apart. Malik saw the Sanctums lack of power in the region and the disorganization of the Circle due to racism and decided to focus his efforts on the Cricle. It took no more that six months for Malik to oppress all foreign and domestic issues between the locale Crone of Japan and Okinawa and place himself as Hierophant over them all.

No Longer the Servant (The Path to Imperial Prince)

Malik was once again called upon by the court to defend it from otherworldly enemies, but this time he would find himself not alone in his fight. He stood next to the most feared creatures in all of Japan…the werewolves. The battles were great, as was the deaths among the werewolves. In the end the creature was battled in "two worlds" one by Malik and the other by Pure White Requiem (Storm Lord 3 and Rahu 2. Deceased), in the creature’s dying worlds it would scream, "My death stops nothing, the ritual has already begun."

The Sanctum would replace their leader after the loss of their control over the Circle. Archbishop Rygellion (Mekhet 1, Sanctum 4, and Okinawa City 4) would be sent to cull the herd. He would quickly reassemble his forces and prepared to strike out against the heretics when he was confronted by a true issue, the Brood Leader Raven and a mysterious gathering of monsters. Instead of meeting Rygellion with equal resistance Malik decided to assist Rygellion and throughout their fight with the remaining Brood and monsters of the island, a loose alliance was formed. This alliance would be tested to its fullest as apparent Prince, Barrozzi, sends the captured Raven after someone claiming Praxis. Malik had fought beside Prince Barrozzi all this time and could not believe that he had been betrayed so deeply by the court that he sought to protect.

The lines were drawn and as Barrozzi’s hotel was being laid siege, and Malik hunted Raven. In the end Raven was staked and left for the sun to never bother humanity again. From the day forth Malik vowed to never stake and turn over and individual again, and if they were to be subdued than justice must be done immediately. In the confusion and fires former Prince Barrozzi fled the island and was never seen or heard from again.

Malik was at a loss, and for a month, Praxis waged on without his presence. Alliances were torn as the Invictus struggled to recover from Barrozzi’s betrayal. The Ordo Dracul and Lancea Sanctum fought for control over the city, and the Crone watched in horror from the shadows. Gabriel emerged on top and Malik awoke to a realization, this was his city. He had killed for its security and no one, but him, was going to dictate its future while he resided on the island. Praxis was short as the covenants flocked behind their local legend. Gabriel would disappear from the eyes of the court realizing the power the Circle had amassed, so that not even his own covenant mates would stand beside him against Malik.

Malik welcomed a new Invictus Samuel Radcliff (Ventrue 3, Invictus 3, and Okinawa City 4) to the position of Primogin, and the ratical Jordan Williams (Carthian 2 and Okinawa City 3) to his position of Harpy. He assured them that he sought no ill will toward the Invictus over one misguided man, nor did he feel threated by the freethinking nature of the Movement. Archbishop Rygellion took his rightful place as Lancea Sanctum Primogen, and Logan (Gangrel 1, Ordo 3, and Okinawa City 3) would take Gabriel’s place as Ordo Dracul Primogen and Sheriff. Everything would seem to haven fallen exactly where Malik intended it to, only the more he did for the court the more they came to rely on his guidance and force to get things done. This was not to Malik's liking where his only goal was for the island to become more stable so that he may continue his mission of idenity. He knew that without knowing how he truely was, nor the name given to him by his adapted parents, that he could never move forward with his destiny. There is a power to names they say, and it is supposed to be the only thing you cannot take from someone in the end, but what destiny is there for one that doesnt know their own?

The Hungry Dead (Ghosts)

In the following months Malik would make many trips, but one the most influential would be his trip to the “Hall of Records” in Turkey to meet Aramedeus of the “Neo-Cappadocia”. It is there that he supposively found the origins of his birth, the fate of his parents, and his real name. Many clans have attempted to find this ancient temple of knowledge hidden within the rocky passes, but apparent it is only the shadow clan that are ever shown the path.

Rumor has it that during Malik’s trip to Egypt with Cloe that he found something deep in the temples of the old kingdoms. It is in these ancient halls he met others of his blood that would show him just another facility of what he considered his destiny. The story says that Malik was locked into a vault for many nights and forced to endure the torturous screams of the dead. It was here that he supposively learned to see the dead clear as day. When asked about this he smiles and tells people that, “Not all blessings are what they seem, but nether the less this is path that has been laid before me, and I will walk willingly into the dark”

Cloe and Malik had spit for much of their travels, Cloe seeking the guidance of her ancient sire, and Malik just seeking to find himself. This separation would come to be final as when Malik returned to Okinawa with Cloe their personal relationship seemed to be all but concluded. Malik had become a very cold individual and seemed on the brink of dementia. He shied away from his duties as Prince and let court run itself with the guidance of the Primogen. It was said that in those nights, Nakagusuku Castle, his domain, was a place of nightmares. No one dared approach Malik in the coming nights, and for sometime the fear of him slipping to true madness echoed the courts chambers. What would they do if Malik snaps? How could they do to stop one that had killed almost hundred people for the defense of the court in the years past?

This situation seemed grim as any form of communication seemed to be edgy during his night to night excursions of “soothing the minds of the dead.” Demear and Asai Katsuo would be the only members of the Crone to get anywhere near Malik in the evenings to pass. When the court truly needed their arbiter he would swoop in with swift justice and leave with the wind, the nights were cold but at least for now Malik seemed to be on the right side of sanity.

Some would say the journey to Tulsa to fight the Brood would be the event that would bring Malik full circle. While there he was given the honor to serve not only with his fellow Circle, but those of other covenants that sought the destruction of the Brood. While there Malik assembled a squad of infiltrators and reconnaissance specialists to map and gather information on the enemies’ numbers and bases. This would be the first time Malik would call upon the ghosts of the past to assist him, like he had assisted them. Malik found that through helping the ghosts of the area in kind that they were very receptive to his requests. The battle against the Brood was a success and the land was cleansed, and due to the hard work of Malik and his team, many kindred lives were spared.

The Ancient Unliving (Spirits)

Not much is known about how Malik come upon his spiritual powers and why he now speaks so proudly confronting the aspect of the Dark Mother known as Izanami. What is known is that his powers over the spirits seems unmatched in the Nippon Empire, and though no member of the court outside of the Circle could tell you the details of this gift, none can deny its effectiveness.

In recent nights Malik has referred to his new allies as “the kami”, and has said that they, unlike the ghosts of the departed, never have been alive, but always existed throughout all time. He claims that these creatures are indeed older than any kindred and perhaps older than time itself and contain the infinite secrets of the cosmos. Malik time and again has seemed to gather in private very accurate details about situations the court was facing from these beings.

Some members of the court have even begun whispering in fear that these denizens of unlife do Malik’s bidding with mere drops of blood, others that in his insanity has become prophetic, or maybe just really lucky. Though most say, “Woe be to they who incites the wrath of both the hungry dead and ancient unliving”

Grasping Ones Own Destiny (Walking The Path Material)

Some would say Malik is where he is due to fear, a real bogeyman of modern nights. He appears to have no remorse when cutting down the more disgraceful forms of life that subject and torture humanity. Though, most would say he is a beacon of humanity, and that he is an example of how, to some, every life you take means something and should be mourned equally. Malik is respected for his dedication to the masquerade and to the Circle and is ready to put his life on line at any moment for either. Malik has been a strong spiritual leader for those that listen and has never once pushed the belief of one set deific dogma on another, he believes that the self is capable of so much if only we have the will to walk the path. He has not only denied the visions of the past, but has supposively seen the embodiment of the goddess Izanami, and still chosen to walk alone. No one knows whether it's this change that has made his discision to leave the lands of Nippon, or something deeper that lay in the sands of the West.

Malik now turns to Arizona for the next step on the road to his destiny. Here in the desert land is shrouded by unrelenting might of Prince Kincaid, and the Circle's power seems to never waver. Malik hopes that in this far away land of stability that he may finally find solace, maybe here he will finally find his destiny.

The Arbiter Returns (Back in Okinawa)

(*sigh* military has me back in Okinawa for just a bit longer. I will work on this section than hopefully be done with this place soon in April...could be playing next in eaither Arizona or Nevada)

The Shadows Talk (Rumors)

  • Malik is haunted by the ghosts of the past who forever seek him for their release.
  • Archbiship Rygellion is actually Malik's broodmate and they have no problem sharing heresies.
  • Cloe Griffith has Malik fully blood bounded to her, but in weakness she allowed him to bond her as well.
  • Malik is responsible for the peaceful alliance the sorcerers, werewolves and vampires have within the domain.
  • Okinawan Ordo joke that he has mastered the "Coils of Abdul" which prevent him from degenerating in humanity from his acts of violence.
  • Has slain over a hundred individuals in the defense of the masquerade and has been deemed the "Terror of Nakagusuku" or the "Nakagusuku Shadow"
  • Malik has been seen on the field of battle with all sorts of spiritual anomaly. Some claim the spirits of dead warriors fight beside him, while others claim the ancient Shi Shi protectors watch over him as he fights to defend his people.

Timothy Webster US2005033164

DST Nakagusuku Shadows JP-002-D (GIR)

Storyteller Contact Information (Subject to Change Soon)

Steven Stroud US2005033091.

Requiem VST Nakagusuku Shadows JP-002-D (GIR)

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