Pensacola, Florida

From Circle Of The Crone

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Court Officers

Prince & Prince-appointed

Pierre St. Claud (Daeva, Carthian)
Pierre is ineffectual at best, disasterous at worst. He also appears to be largely a puppet to his Sheriff, Dominion. It should be noted that it is the threat of Dominion's ability to import viscious Dragons that allows Pierre to remain in power.
Prince's Harpy 
Lorelei (Daeva, Carthian)
Absentee at most occasions; useless the rest of the time. It should be noted that she is the Prince's childe.
Dominion (Gangrel, Ordo Dracul)
Dominion is a person of ever changing loyalties. She holds great power within the Dragons, but seems to use none of it on the local Dragons. Instead, she imports outside Ordo members to serve Pierre's desires; which are the ones she gave him in the first place. It's an odd relationship.
Daisuke (Mekhet, Carthian)
This one spends most of his time obfuscated. If you think you are in a private area, don't say it anyway; because he's probably right there with you.
Keeper of Elysium 
Dr. Lucien Fairmont(Ventrue, Crone)

Priscus Council

Ventrue Priscus 
Dr. Lucien Fairmont (Crone)
Daeva Priscus 
Erika Alexandria (Invictus)
Nosferatu Priscus 
Vincent Nicoletti (Invictus)
Gangrel Priscus 
Maxwell Seiger (Ordo Dracul)
Mekhet Priscus 
Jonathan Kennsington (Lancea Sanctum)
Priscus Harpy 
Kris Tera (Lancea Sanctum)
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