Amrit Patel

From Circle Of The Crone

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Most Kindred, Acolyte or not, will describe Amrit in a number of ways; aloof, intimidating, eccentric, striking, exacting and persistant, to name a few. But no matter how poetically (or not) they put it, all of those ways essentially boil down in the end to stubborn, unmittigated bitch. She willingly accepts every descriptor assigned to her.


Player: Kat Schonheyder, of Seattle, Washington



Current Name: Amrit (AHM-reht)

Known Aliases from the past: Maya (as a Ghoul), Nisha Morosini, Kamala Grecco, Amrit Perkash, Victoria Stewart

Clan: Likley Daeva (Status 0: a number of known – or infamously known – Daeva claim to be blood relation to her or vice versa. There are some, however, who are certain that she is Mekhet - and further might be Khaibit - and there are others who suspect she could in fact be Ventrue.)

Age: She appears to be between the ages of 20 and 25. Her exact age unknown, though her names have circulated among the Circle since the early 1200’s. She professes to be older than she can possibly hope to remember, or care too much about.

Location: Amrit apparently maintain havens in a number of cities, most notably Seattle, where she is Heirophant, Phoenix and New York City.

Known Current & Former Students: Jordan di Milan, Billy Joe Bob Johnston, Tara Elizabeth Stewart, The Nameless, Raphael di Molinari

Quote: "All things must be sundered to be made whole."

Things Known or Rumoured in the Kindred Population

Amrit is best known to others as Mrs. Victoria Stewart, a (then) quiet Acolyte who established and ran the Vermillion House of Vermillion, Kansas, back in the mid-late 1800's.

Amrit is said to be the brood mate or some other relation of Julia Kincaid, whom she often calls Baheen, which a Sanskrit word meaning blood-sister. Her primary city of residence is said to be Seattle, Washington, though she's been known to frequent the city of New York, along with Washington DC, Orlando and Phoenix, and she occasionally pops up in the state of New Hampshire.

Though she herself is incredibly reserved, she is often seen in the company or known to be working with a number of notable Elders, including the leaders of a number of Cities and Covenants, including Xavier Ellison, David Baron, Cynric St. George, Lord Cadyern, Simon Cassio, and Cardinal Carlo Giolotti.

Common Knowledge within the Circle

Little is actually known about Amrit's particular form of Faith, mostly because most Acolytes are less than willing to ask her about it, though also because she has been a primarily autonoumus practioner of her Faith. She is known as a Challenger, though if she is currently active among the Acolytes in that respect, her activity is subtle. She is also known to be a confessor-of-sorts to a number of Acoyltes (as well as members of some other covenants). She has maintained her Heirophancy in the city of Seattle, despite her obviously nomadic nature, for over 50 years.

Despite her extremely anti-social nature, she is as well-known for her longevity within and support to the Circle as much as she is for the company she keeps. She is frequently seen with Lady V, Urvi Ajay Ayushmati, Roweena, Julia Kincaid, Felipe Saunier, and Yamagami Seiko.

Additional Rumours and Stories

(If your PC has heard rumours or stories about this PC, feel free to post them here).

  • Amrit is actually a member of VII who has been infiltrating the Kindred Courts and arranging the destruction of key Kindred for years.
  • Amrit is rumored to be the childe of Lady V.
  • Through a secret and heinous Cruac ritual more powerful than the Vinculum that she developed in tandem with Yamagami Seiko, the two have enslaved the souls of a number of prominent Kindred, including Lord Cadeyrn, Julia Kincaid, Grace Morgenstern, Xavier Ellison and Cynric St. George.
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