Julia Kincaid

From Circle Of The Crone

Revision as of 00:19, 3 May 2006 by AngelSamael (Talk | contribs)

Player - Spider Wingate, of Phoenix, Arizona

Current Name - Julia Kincaid (Prefers being called Kincaid by all but her most intimate associates.)

Known Aliases from the past - Nicola di Milan, Mariyah Amat Al-Khafid

Clan - Daeva (Status 0 - Infamy. Some time back due to quarrels within the more admired ranks of the clan she rejected her standing within the clan and until recently has taken glee in rubbing her outcast status into other Daeva's faces.)

Age - Exact Age unknown, known as an Elder, believed to be well over a thousand years old.

Location - Phoenix, Arizona where she is currently both the Hierophant and the Imperial Prince of the Valley of the Sun and Sedona

Known Current & Former Students - Angelo, Roland le Moissonneur di Milan, The Imkhullu

Specialties - Binding/banishing magics and study of non-vampiric forms of bloodmagic

Faction/Philosophy' - The Path Material

Brief history and information about her - From story and her own words Kincaid claims to have been embraced in the dying days of the Sassinad Persian Empire. From there, when the Empire fell, she began the life of a quasi-nomad traveling first east to India and then slowly making her way to Europe and moving back and forth through it for centuries. While she is most known for the large amounts of time spent in Italy and Western Russia, other Kindred tell of meeting her all over Europe and Northern Africa with no rhyme or reason apparent to her travels.

She vanished from the world's stage during the aftermath of WWI and through WWII and simply refuses to talk about why or what happened to her. Its an ill kept secret belief that she was in Germany during the war and as vampires are prone to do when faced with no other information to the contrary wildly conflicting stories of what she was doing circulate from the humanitarian to the dark and evil.

After the war she re-appeared in Phoenix and has lived there since, guiding not only the Acolytes as Hierophant but the growth of the city itself. Until recently, the Acolytes of Phoenix were officially and strictly politically neutral and while the other Vampires played games of politics amongst themselves the Acolytes, as guided by Kincaid, focused their attentions on the Metropolitan area itself and made it what it is today - a international metropolitan area, a growing powerhouse of industry and business, a good place to raise families or retire. The Valley of the Sun is the manifestation for the Acolytes of Northern Arizona of the creed to Create. The City itself is their act of worship, their creed, their prayer. And for Kincaid it is her greatest success.

Recently the looming troubles of the Nation and region around Phoenix has forced the Acolytes to cease their neutrality. And has forced Kincaid into a role she has long avoided - Princedom of the Valley of the Sun, of Sedona, of Prescott and all points in-between.

Over the centuries, she has been frequently seen in close alliance and love affairs with high ranking members of the Invictus and the Ordo Dracul. So close in fact that at times she seems almost more a member of those covenants on the outside that her own. The depth of knowledge she has on both covenants is almost frightening and only slightly outweighs her associations and understanding of the Lancea Sanctum. Further, she is the Matriarch to the di Milan lineage and until recently the vast majority of her huge brood were not followers of the Acolyte way. But this has started to change as more and more Daeva of her line are acknowledged, first as members of the Chorus, and then as full members of the Covenant.

Kincaid professes to be a follower of the Path Material which is the Path of Self or the Left Handed Path. And recently she has been less than quiet about her allegiance to this path, vehemently defending the right to defer from rituals that require some form of God/Goddess worship. She argues that if the Circle can accept Deists, Muslims or Christians who worship Mary the Circle should have no trouble permitting those who choose to worship nothing at all.

This outlook has lead to some tension within the Acolytes as she has recently started to take more students (something historically she was loath to do.) Her rejection of any form of Worship, her tendency to be bloody, callous, inventively cruel beneath her smile, the credo of "Apotheosis through degeneration", and her long associations with other Covenants has lead some to speculate on what she has up her sleeve. Old rumors of heresy and betrayal have started to surface again as Kincaid preaches more and more the Path of Self. But in the rumored thousand plus years she has walked, there is no evidence that she has ever once done anything against the Acolytes. They may not understand her or like her, but Kincaid has always done everything to support and strengthen her own Covenant - whether as lover, teacher, mentor, or destroyer.

Picture: Lady V and Kincaid. Image:Eclipse3-06.jpg

Rumors and Stories

- Kincaid has not been seen in any color other then grey in over fifty years and asking about it is a good way to make her frenzy

- Kincaid is tightly tied to several Mekhet, to the point she treats them as extensions of her lineage or they treat her as one of theirs

- Kincaid quietly condones murder, sacrifice, violations of people and ideas, diablerie and diabolism

- Kincaid, through amazing feats of prestidigitation, is in fact Jared Cade of the Brood of Belial

- Actually, she is not Jared Cade, but "Cade's Kin", his eldest daughter, and she chose the surname in honor of him.

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