
From Circle Of The Crone

Revision as of 04:35, 1 May 2006 by Roland (Talk | contribs)

Player - chris buser, of Seattle, Washington.

Current Name - Roland le Moissonneur di Milan

Known Aliases from the past - Robert (Warning: Don't call him that.)

Clan: Valued by the Daeva.

Age - Undisclosed, but at least two centuries undead.

Location - Mercer Island, Washington, with chambers in Phoenix, Arizona.

IC LJ Icon - Image:Harvest.jpg

IC Livejournal - Stories of the Harvester

Common Knowledge among the Circle:

Known throughout the ages simply as the Harvester, this brooding figure recently defected from the Ordo Dracul. He is the child of Julia Kincaid, and has multiple children of his own, at least two of whom are also Crones. His Sire is teaching him the wisdom of the Path Material, much to the concern of those who fear the results of blending the ways of the Crone with the knowledge (and Coils) he aquired from his previous covenant.

While there exists specific individuals within the covenant that could share additional information about him, the Crone as a whole remains as largely ignorant of him as he does of the mysteries that lie beyond his eventual initiation and promotion to full Acolyte status. Thus, very little is known of this individual, besides his obvious devotion to his Sire's safety... and the fact that he wears the symbol of the Dragon still, obscured with drying vitae. Whether this is done as a political statement or in unsubtle warning... remains to be seen.

Time will tell if this new member of the Chorus will survive the tribulations in his path.

Information on his membership within the Ordo Dracul can be found here

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