
From Circle Of The Crone

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The Circle of the Crone thrives on its use of the blood magic called Cruac. Here is the place to add questions and answers to the Cruac FAQ, share custom or common rites and devotion as well as other information.


Cruac Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the basis for the Humanity restriction for Cruac?

A: Because Cruac is an old dark form of magic. It is ancient blood rites, often conducted with sacrifices, willing or otherwise. An experienced practicioner of Cruac must be comfortable with the though of using another's blood for their own personal gain. Generally if you're using high levels of Cruac, the humanity restriction isn't a problem for you anyway.

Canon Rites

Any ritual without a sourcebook listed can be found in the Mind's Eye Theatre version of Vampire: The Requiem.

Level •


The sorcerer causes feelings of intense hunger in a subject, who must be within sight. The afflicted subject feels the desire to eat or feed. A mortal even eats raw meat, though he doesn’t resort to such dire acts as cannibalism or drinking blood. Kindred might attack nearby vessels or even fellow vampires if their hunger is severe enough to make them frenzy. Even after he eats or feeds, a subject’s rapacity does not subside until the effects of the ritual pass. (Vampires affected by this ritual are considered “starving” for the purposes of resisting frenzy; see p. 255.)


With the power of this ritual, a vampire may temporarily interrupt the reanimating effect of vampiric Vitae, impairing a Kindred’s movements as the stiffening of muscles common to dead bodies takes hold. Rigor Mortis is useless against mortals, ghouls, Lupines, mages and most other beings, since they don’t depend on the power of vampiric Vitae to animate their bodies.


The Kindred are largely immune to the dangers of temperature, pressure and other conditions that would kill or cripple mortals. A vampire can still be affected by the most extreme conditions, though, such as arctic cold. This minor ritual maintains a balance within a vampire’s Vitae, never allowing it to become too hot, cold, compressed or otherwise hampered by the external world.

BLOOD WITNESS (Coteries pg 84)

With the presence and power of her own Vitae, a ritualist can observe what happens in the vicinity of blood she leaves behind during the performance of this ritual.

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This ritual allows the performer to “ride the senses” of his subject.


By invoking this ritual, the performer protects himself from would-be diablerists and from those who would otherwise feast upon his blood. This ritual transforms the sorcerer’s Vitae into a kind of poison.


Nothing is more dangerous to a vampire roaming the world than the burning kiss of sunlight. A temporary haven is never truly safe, not when a single hole in a wall can let in the sun, or an invading witch hunter can tear away a protective curtain. While this ritual cannot guarantee any kind of safety, it can give a vampire an extra moment of grace when disaster strikes, perhaps allowing her a chance to scramble to safety.

BARRIER OF BLOOD (Coteries pg 84)

This defensive ritual is used to mark an Acolyte’s territory and prevent entry by unwanted Kindred. To perform this ritual, the character draws lines of his Vitae across doorways, underneath windows or anywhere else she wishes to ward.

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The performer invokes a mystic protection against attempts to impale her heart with a stake. This power cannot be invoked to protect others; it works only on the sorcerer herself.


The caster performs this ritual and channels his righteous ire into a tangible force.

SONG OF THE BLOOD (Nomads pg 93)

On the road, a vampire risks not just danger but anonymity- if she dies at the hands of her enemies, far from her allies and blood “family,” no one may ever know her fate or be able to take revenge. This ritual mitigates some of that danger.

FLOWER OF DEMETER (Coteries pg 85)

Knowledge of this ritual has been passed down from the most ancient vampires, according to those Acolytes who use and teach this horticultural rite. With it, a character grows a unique species of red lily said to have been brought back from Hades by Persephone. This flower grows only in mortal blood- which must be supplied in total at the start of the ritual- but is traditionally grown from a human corpse. The plant itself is inspiring to Kindred in an intangible, mystical way for as long as at least a single blossom remains on its stalk. This inspirational power is said to be the echo of Demeter’s springtime joy. A vampire who swallows a Flower of Demeter experiences the blush of life until the next sunrise.

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The sorcerer mystically claims one third of the Vitae that a subject imbibes.


The performer makes herself immune to the Vinculum and blood addiction when another Kindred’s Vitae is consumed. After this ritual is performed, if another vampire’s blood is imbibed in the same night, no step is taken toward a Vinculum with the provider of the blood, and no addiction to blood forms for the character. Of course, the blood donor has no idea that the recipient is immune. The ritual cannot be performed on another vampire, only on the caster’s self. The ritual does not countermand or alleviate any existing Vinculum to which the caster is already subject.


This bizarre ritual creates a guardian that watches over a vampire as he sleeps- an undead, spidery homunculus with fangs dripping bloody venom. To perform the ritual, the Acolyte must surrender a portion of her Vitae to create her guardian’s physical form. The ritual creates a large, crimson spider resembling a tarantula that guards her haven as she rests for the day. The creature has the following traits.

Attributes: Intelligence 0, Wits 1, Resolve 1, Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 1, Presence 0, Manipulation 0, Composure 1

Skills: Athletics 2, Stealth (Hiding in Plain Sight) 4, Survival 1

Willpower: 2 Initiative: 5 Defense: 4 Speed: 8 (species factor 3) Size: 1 Health: 2

Weapons/Attacks: Type: Bite Damage: 1(L) and Poison Dice Pool: Success of the invocation roll

The blood-spider’s unnaturally powerful fangs also contain preternatural venom, a corrupted Vitae that affects mortals and Kindred alike. Against Mortals, it makes attacks with a number of dice equal to the invocation roll’s success (usually four, given that this is a **** ritual, but extra successes on the activation roll do count), inflicting lethal damage. In other words, don’t roll the spider’s Strength + Brawl—use a dice pool of the successes achieved upon activation. Attacks staged against Kindred are resolved in the same way, except each success rolled taints one Vitae in the Victim, Making that Vitae useless (remove it from the Vitae pool; it nauseates the Kindred but not to the degree of impeding any dice pools).

The blood-spider is absolutely loyal to its master, and enjoys a form of blood sympathy with her. If the blood-spider is injured or destroyed, the Acolyte senses it automatically. No Wits roll is required to check if the character can detect trouble while she sleeps, but a Humanity roll is still required to awaken. The spider cannot be frightened off or repelled by mundane forces or threats, and the ritual’s invocation successes are added to its Resistance traits against Disciplines or magical powers that might drive it off or take control of it. It stays animated and on guard until sunset, at which point it breaks down into a puddle of clotted and rotting blood.

Level •••••


This potent ritual taints the blood of its target, whether mortal or vampire. Draw Manipulation + Occult + Crúac in a contested action against the target’s Stamina + Blood Potency (resistance is reflexive). If the draw for the caster gets the most successes, that number of successes is inflicted as lethal damage to a mortal target. A vampire target immediately loses the equivalent of Vitae in his system and could be subject to frenzy as a result. Indeed, a vampiric victim might be forced into torpor. The caster must be able to see the intended victim when the ritual is performed.


When the performer calls upon the power of the Crone herself (by whatever name is used), and a Vitae is spent, the vampire’s mouth transforms into a maw of wicked, gnashing teeth. The vampire need not perform a grapple attack in order to bite a victim; the attack is made directly. The number of successes achieved on the ritual’s activation draw is added as a bonus to attack draws, and aggravated damage is inflicted. In addition, these teeth are so vicious that feeding cannot occur when they are borne; too much blood is wasted in the gory slaughter to get any real nourishment. Feeding the Crone remains in effect until another Vitae is spent to revoke the change, or until sunrise. In addition, appropriate makeup or a highly visible description tag should be worn to alert others to the use of this ritual, as it cannot be concealed from even casual inspection. Feeding the Crone cannot be used in combination with any Fighting Styles and the character does not receive bonuses from any weapons held as this is a brawling attack.


In the hands of blood sorcerers, this curse is a personal and dangerous blight, for it can turn a respected member of a domain into an outcast, forced to flee for his unlife. While under the effects of this ritual (which lasts a single night), a vampire’s Beast is ascendant and uncontrollable. The Predator’s Taint flares every time a vampire encounters him, even one he has known for centuries. In cases where the subject uses powers such as Mask of Tranquility or Aspect of the Predator, compare the Blood Potency of the vampire using the power to the Blood Potency of the vampire enacting this ritual. If the ritual performer has the higher trait, the subject’s Mask of Tranquility or Aspect of the Predator has no effect. If the subject’s Blood Potency is equal to or higher than the ritual performer’s, Mask of Tranquility or Aspect of the Predator works normally. The vampire targeted by this ritual must be visible to the invoker. A contested roll is made to activate this power, pitting the sorcerer’s Manipulation +Occult+ Crúac verses the subject’s Composure +Blood Potency, and this resistance is reflexive.

Custom Rites

Canon Devotions


Those who know this Devotion have learned how to expand their mystical sight by incorporating rudiments of blood magic. Kindred with this power can use their Auspex to scrutinize the auras of objects, as well as people, and may glean information from the eddies of power that whorl through the world.

Cost: 1 Vitae per scene

Test Pool: Wits + Occult + Auspex

Action: Instant

Rather than sensing patterns of emotions as with Aura Perception, the user sees the ebb and flow of magical power. A Kindred possessing this Devotion can learn a variety of information, including the following: whether an object (or person) has any magic of its own or is currently under enchantment; whether the magic comes from the object or creature directly or from an external source; the nature of the magic (beneficial, harmful, illusory); even detailed information as to the type and level of magic employed. Scrutinized individuals who are capable of any sort of magic (vampiric or otherwise) always glow with sparkling crackles of energy. Although this Devotion does identify sources of magic or items possessed of enchantments, it does not reveal magic effects in action (such as a magical fireball or an illusion). Each success on the activation draw yields one piece of information from the list above about the magic in question. If use of this Devotion becomes reasonably common, the Storytelling staff may even place task cards labeled “Arcane Sight” on important items or locations, which can only be attempted by characters with this Devotion.

This power costs 10 experience points to learn.

Custom Devotions

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