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A Gangrel Warrior Bloodline for Vampire: The Requiem USA-EC-RE-0412-40659



O Kali, my mother full of bliss! Enchantress of the almighty Shiva! In Thy delirious joy Thou dancest, clapping Thy hands together! Thou art the Mover of all that move, and we are but Thy helpless toys. -- Ramakrishna Paramhans

"Venerated since time immemorial on the banks of the Ganges and throughout India, Kali is the Mother who purges us of fear, anger, jealousy and grief, then nurses us back to balance in the ultimate act of soul-healing. Beneath her frightening appearance lies the truth that life, though sometimes fraught with suffering, is rooted in joy. Invoke her and she will bless you with protection and healing. Until the seeker can understand the mystery of Kali, both the giver and the release from suffering, he cannot make full progress to enlightenment." -- Kshatriyas Hierophant teaching a new embrace.

The Kshatriyas are an ancient bloodline of Gangrel whose origins are mired in myth, legend and religious song. Handed down by word of mouth since the Vedic period, or so they claim, they believe they are empowered as Kali's avatars on earth, here to do her will.

Never a numerous bloodline, they exist in greater numbers today than they ever have; as an ever increasing population calls for larger numbers of those to serve her will.

The main purpose of the Kshatriyas as Devi Kali's destroyers and warriors can have several main facets, but feel free to research and propose other concepts which might fit:

Most of the aspects of the gods in Hindu culture are interrelated, married or have multiple faces and purposes. There are ample examples of the avatars of the gods, such as Krishna, protecting the meek and downtrodden. A valid Kshatriya concept would be the protector of the weak or holy, a vigilante, protecting mortals, mortal relatives, spiritual leaders or weaker vampires. Kali too is shown as the destroyer of the unworthy.

The most common story told of Kali, and included on the historical information page, is that of her as a destroyer of the demon Raktabija, an asura. A valid Kshatriya concept would be Demon Hunter.

The depiction of Kali as the giver and taker of life includes in some situations judgmental connotations. "She destroys ignorance, maintains the world order, and blesses and frees those who strive for the knowledge of God." While this is tied somewhat to the previous two, it could also include destruction of the 'worthy' as well as the 'unworthy'(or ignorant and unbalancing) so that their divine spark might join the greater holiness of the Supreme Being or consciousness. This is a dangerous concept that might offer little character survivability unless played very well.


Circle of the Crone is the most common Covenant for members of the Kshatriyas, seeing the Crone as another aspect of Kali. They would believe the ritual of 'Feeding the Crone' to be the pinnacle of standing as Her Avatar in Her form.

The Circle's belief in vampires having existed long before Longinus goes well with creatures called 'Rakshasas' which are described in the oldest holy writings, the Vedas. These writings, circa 1500BC, depict the Rakshasas (destroyers) as vampires. There is also a monster in ancient lore which hangs from a tree upside-down, not unlike a bat, and is devoid of its own blood. This creature, called Baital, is in legend a vampire.

The Hindu philosophy that all mortal forms, and one could argue a vampire remains a mortal form, contains a spark of the divine in the form of ones soul. This would remain in keeping with the Circle's beliefs that even though one is now undead, one can still grow, learn and continue to seek Nirvana or Enlightenment. Each individual Kshatriyas might continue to maintain their mortal reverence for Vishnu or Shiva; but their svadharma (purpose) is now tied to Kali as one of her earthly hands or Rakshasas (destroyers).

Many Kshatriyas will express the circle's belief in the power of creation in breeding, keeping and improving the state of animals sacred to the gods, or in simple religious songs or allegorical prose. This fits remarkably well with the Hindu belief in the Maya or that divine creative force that exists in everything.

At times membership in other covenants, save the Lancea Sanctum, may have suited the purposes of one Kshatriyas or another. Historically many of their numbers have been destroyed by Lancea Sanctum fanatics; and equally as many Lancea Sanctum have been destroyed in return.

Carthians or Invictus might use their contacts and allies to pursue their purposes. The Unaligned might revel in the natural freedom to do as they need. The Ordo Dracul might provide for a Kshatriya more interested in the nature of possible enlightenment and transcendence. The Ordo Dracul mix with that philosophy requires little additional explanation, and likely accounts for the second most popular Covenant for a Kshatriyas.

All Kshatriyas have an inate sense of justice, regardless of their religious or political beliefs. Even those who do not follow Kali directly still act in many ways in accordace with her followers. They remove the unworthies from society, actively seek criminals in both mortal and kindred society, and work to restore 'balance.'

Historical Information


Possibly the most misunderstood of the Hindu pantheon; the fierce and passionate Kali is called the goddess of destruction. But she destroys only to recreate. Kali is the creator and nurturer, the feminine energy, female principle, the essence of the mother-lover. As divine mother, lotus and goddess, she brings worlds to birth, sustains them and absorbs them, in a never-ending cycle of her own opening and closing. While Kali is a goddess of death, she is also sweet, affectionate, and overflowing with love for her children.

The Hindu religion sees that, in truth, we are beings of spirit and not flesh - the body is a temporary condition and our attachment to the body gives rise to the ego. So liberation can only proceed when our attachment to the body ends. Kali wears a garland of skulls and a skirt of dismembered arms because of this identification. Thus the garland and skirt are trophies she wears to symbolize having liberated her children from attachment to the limited body. She is often portrayed holding a sword and a freshly severed head dripping blood. As the story goes, this represents a great battle in which she destroyed the demon Raktabija.

The story tells that the gods could not kill the demon Raktabija. Every drop of his blood that touched the ground transformed itself into another Raktabija and within a few minutes of striking this asura with their weapons, the entire battlefield was covered with millions of Raktabija clones.

In despair, the gods turned to Shiva. But Shiva was lost in meditation so his consort Parvati immediately set out to do battle in the form of Kali. Her eyes were red, her complexion was dark, her features gaunt, her hair unbound, her teeth sharp like fangs. As she rode into the battleground on her lion, Raktabija experienced fear for the first time in his demonic heart.

Kali ordered the gods to attack Raktabija. She then spread her tongue to cover the battlefield preventing even a single drop of Raktabija's blood from falling on the group. Thus, she prevented Raktabija from reproducing himself. Drunk on Raktabija's blood, Kali ran across the cosmos killing anyone who dared cross her path. She adorned herself with the heads, limbs and entrails of her victim. To pacify her, Shiva threw himself under her feet. This stopped the goddess. She calmed down, embraced her husband, and shed her ferocious form to become Gauri, radiant mother.

Social Castes

The division of the Hindus into classes or castes, with fixed occupations, existed from the earliest times. It is supposed by some to have been founded upon conquest, the first three castes being composed of a foreign race, who subdued the natives of the country and reduced them to an inferior caste. Others trace it to the fondness of perpetuating, by descent from father to son, certain offices or occupations.

The Hindu tradition gives the following account of the origin of the various castes: At the creation Brahma resolved to give the earth inhabitants who should be direct emanations from his own body. Accordingly from his mouth came forth the eldest born, Brahma (the priest), to whom he confided the four Vedas; from his right arm issued Shatriya (the warrior), and from his left, the warrior's wife. His thighs produced Vaissyas, male and female (agriculturists and traders), and lastly from his feet sprang Sudras (mechanics and labourers).

The four sons of Brahma, so significantly brought into the world, became the fathers of the human race, and heads of their respective castes. They were also commanded to take rank in the order of their birth, the Brahmans uppermost, as having sprung from the head of Brahma. Though the sovereign of the country was chosen from the Shatriya class, also called Rajputs, the Brahmans possessed the real power.

Bloodline Write-up

Parent Clan: Gangrel

Nickname: Rakshasas (Destroyers), privately, or same as bloodline name.

Appearance: Kshatriyas tend to come from Indian backgrounds, or those cultures that have come into contact with Indian culture. The 18th and 19th Centuries for example, found a number of British nationals within the line. But only those who could accept the basic Hindu beliefs, and the purpose of the line, as well as the bestial nature of the Gangrel. Those from other cultures tended to be tested and trained in a harsher manner. The large Indian-American population seen today in many Western Countries supports more of Kali's warriors outside India than has ever been seen before. Beyond that they follow the standard Gangrel template, concerned more with function over form.

Haven: Each Kshatriyas keeps a Haven based on their own needs and desires. Some prefer the simple haven of nature, using the melding of Protean to protect them from the sun's rays. Others may keep or use elaborate mansions. Each, without fail, has some location which they deem sacred, for rituals or simple reverence of the gods. Often a Kshatriyas will train or keep some animal guardians, frequently of those seen as sacred to the Hindu god of their preference; these are never 'pets', but other servants and potential avatars to the gods, colleagues as it were.

Background: The Kshatriyas tend to embrace rather selectively, and survival is the true test of their nature. In keeping with the tenants of both Hinduism and the Circle of the Crone, there is always something to be learned; and always an equal drive to test ones nature. Standards common to all of the Gangrel also apply with a preference for those strong in body and mind.

Character Creation: As with most Gangrel, Physical and Mental Attributes are dominant, along with assorted skills in physical combat, and knowledge of religions and the natural world.

Bloodline Disciplines: Animalism, Protean, Resilience, and Celerity

Discipline comments: Kshatriyas are likely to develop more additional eastern animal forms for the Protean power: Shape of the Beast.

Weakness: Ask Privately.

Organization: After embrace, instruction, and testing, each Kshatriya is left mostly to his own devices and interpretations. Set free to do Kali's will. While most Kshatriyas are able to accomplish these goals with their own resources, they do continue to communicate with each other, and may request aid or guidance of others. Venerated or successful mentors and members of the line might be called "Bodhisattva" out of respect by the younger or less powerful members.

Concepts: Zoologist, Naturalist, Sociologist, Guru/Priestess/Bodhisattva, Urban Vigilante

Quote: Why are you here? What are your limits?

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