
From Circle Of The Crone

Revision as of 23:33, 28 April 2006 by Nanshe (Talk | contribs)

The beginning: (OOC reference/enjoyment only, please do not use for IC reference)

What is Known:

Nanshe is the childer of Enlit, also known as Brandubh to kindred soceity. She is also known as niece to Dr Sirius, and grandchilder to Fiona.

Nanshe has in the past seduced others to the Mother's path, and believed that was her function to the Crone soceity. During that time, she assisted with recruitment and insight during investigations. She was also a part of many rites, and seems to have a natural inclination towards blood rituals.

However, a few years ago, Nanshe was believed dead, and "fell off the face of the earth".

She recently has emerged, claiming she hears the Mother's whispers and sees her visions. Recently, she has been noted as a potential Oracle. She relays her visions and whispers only to those she feel will understand them.

There are whispers about her "tests" as well to those she feels are ready and worthy to be tested.

Either way, visions or tests, she is reemerging further along the path she follows after being away for a few years.

She is known to be with her Sire at this time, whom she calls "Beloved", but has been known to travel, as her gypsy blood calls her to.

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