Hasselt (Limburg)

From Circle Of The Crone

Revision as of 21:33, 20 August 2006 by Kaltesh (Talk | contribs)

We sing to Thee Great Goddess
Our hearts speak Your names
May we always tend Your Altars
And light Your sacred flames.
=> The Great Goddess


Ruling Prince

 HRH Prince de Mérode (Ventrue - Invictus Wiki) {NPC}
 => He declared the independance of the domain Limburg around October 2005.

The Court of Prince de Mérode

 * Seneshal - Lord Gabriël Caluwaert (Ventrue - Invictus Wiki) {NPC}
 * Harpy -  Lord Herzé (Ventrue - Invictus Wiki) {NPC}
 * Primogen - Lady Helena Kristina van Kruysberghe (Mekhet - Ordo Dracul) {PC}
 * Sheriff - Lord Maes (Gangrel - Invictus Wiki) {PC}

The Circle of the Crone in Limburg

 * High Priestess of Sovereign Limburg - Alexandria Karuna (Mekhet) {PC} 
 * Advisor to the High Priestess of Sovereign Limburg - Staff. Dr. Gerhardt Thielemann (Gangrel) {PC}
 * Spokesperson - Lady Els Swennen (Daeva) {PC}
 * Head of Security - Lord Kolya Petrovich (Daeva) {PC}
 * Keeper of the Communal Haven - Lord Peter Moens (Gangrel) {PC}

About The Coven

 * Coming Soon

Known Facts

 * Coming Soon


 * They are actually so deep into the pocket of the Invictus, it's surprising they didn't join that covenant.


 * Coming Soon
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