Lady V

From Circle Of The Crone

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Player - Dee Beutel. Home domain of Washington, D.C. Currently located in Miami, FL.

Current Name - Vivian

Known Aliases from the past - Vega, Vanida, Vadriyyah, Vahide, Verity, Vashti, Valencia, Valientina, Voleta, Vassandra, Vania

Age - Know Elder. Sometimes referred to as 'older than dirt.'

Primary Location - Washington, D.C. As the former Prince of Washington, D.C. Lady V still maintains an active presence in the city. While she has become more reclusive within her home, she still spends most of her time there. Through interaction with V it is clear that the city has great meaning for her.

Secondary Location - Key Vee, South Florida. A private island in the Florida Keys, this is a 'working retreat.' Rather than Washington D.C., her home, this is a place where the bread and butter of vamperic kind is consumed - politics.

Covenant inductees/Former Students - Moll White, Keely, Gabriel Neige, Yamagami, Madame Latour

Specialties - Overarching knowledge of religion and how sects fit in with the Crone. Old and forgotten rituals. Political intrigue.

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