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From Cheewee Tan

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Pain Research - Queen Margaret University

My new webpage/blog is up and running at


Personal Details

Academic's Name: Chee-Wee, Tan
Position: Lecturer
University: Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
School: School of Health Sciences
Subject Area: Physiotherapy
Address: Queen Margaret University Drive, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU.
Room: Level 2
Phone: (+44) 0131 4740000

Potentially Useful Information

For Colleagues:

Camstudio [1] - an open source (GPL) screen recording software. Commonly used for capturing screen videos for training, tutorials or even recording lectures on SMART board.

CSP Electrophysical Agents Guidelines (6.3Mb) [2]

For Students:

The materials you need can be found on the WebCT created for that particular module. Access these through the University intranet.

Modules currently taught:

Entry-level modules:
Introduction to Research
Electrophysical Agents in Musculoskeletal Practice
Interprofessional Studies

Postgraduate modules:
Research Methods 1

Useful Links:
International Association for the Study of Pain [3]
The British Pain Society [4]
International Society for Psychophysics [5]
American Pain Society [6]

Open Access Journals
Molecular Pain [7]
Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine [8]
This journal title sounds like a scientific jest, but it is a real journal with a serious message. As the website states "Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, online journal that promotes a discussion of unexpected, controversial, provocative and/or negative results in the context of current tenets." So get out all those papers in your top desk drawer and start submitting!


Don't know what Open Access Publishing is? [9]

What can you do to promote Open Access Publishing? [10]

Visual Memories
World Congress of Physical Therapy, 2007, Vancouver 2-8 Jun [11]

Personal tools