
From Carthian Movement

Revision as of 12:26, 3 May 2006 by (Talk)


Characters of the Movement

Throughout our act of mutual storytelling in a global chronicle, many great personalities will appear and affect and enrich the stories of those around them. Here is where you can find out more about them, who plays them, and whether they are looking for others to create such stories with.

Edit this page to add yourself to the listings. You may also link your name to a new page, if you wish to add additional or historical information about your character. Please keep lineage, bloodline, coterie and faction information through their own respective pages, this should be for individual character information only. Please put your character in alphabetical order.

See the Help Page for help in creating links to other pages and entries. The easiest way to create a new entry for your character on this page is to select the text of one of the entries below, and paste it at the bottom. Then change the Character, player and brief information to match that of your character.

KEEP YOUR INFORMATION LISTED ON THIS PAGE VERY BRIEF. If your name is RED, then there is an empty page for you to enter more character information, please enter more detailed information here. If your name is not linked to a blank page, follow the below instructions.

To create a page with more specific information for your character, select the name of your character while editing this page and choose the "Ab" internal link button above. Once you save the page, click on this link and edit the new empty page with additional information.

Current Characters by Covenent Status

Status •••••

  • Liberty Stone - Daeva, Seneschal and Prefect of the Free State of Tampa, FL (played by Justin Diaz)

Status ••••

  • Maren Nexus -Mekhet, known to live in Southern Louisiana, primarily in Baton Rouge. (Played by Daniel Tan)

Status •••

  • "California" Jake Vermillion - Daeva; Consul of Sacramento,CA and Southwest Regional Myrmidon #2. (Played by Shayne Cooley)
  • Lancaster Harrison - Ventrue Priscus and Myrmidon of the Evergreen Rose (Portland, Or. USA)

Status ••

  • Billy Adams - Really Big Guy with a Really Big Stick, From Little Rock, Arkansas, Zealot of the Movement. (Played by Chad Hunter)

Status •

  • Dani Maust - Gangrel Priscus of DeKalb, IL. (Played by Kathy Frank)
  • Jezzie Patel- Member of The Bad Kids. (Played by Sarah Heffron)
  • Peter Rose-Waters - Member of The Bad Kids. (Played by Mark Lewis)
  • Trent Harris - Ventrue Prefect of Killeen, TX. (Played by Ryan Wilson)
  • "Uncle Walt" - Member of The Bad Kids. (Played by Chris Rhodes)

Status 0 ("Fake" Carthians)

Deceased Characters

  • Annie London - Mekhet. Former Prince of DeKalb, IL. A charismatic anarchist, self-described troublemaker, expert Egyptologist and forensic archeologist. Murdered in Chicago in March 2006. (Played by Beth Denton)
  • Drake Bane - Nosferatu. Former Prefect of Chicago, IL. Killed by Archon Raven for endangering the Masquerade in Summer 2005.
  • Frank Swann - Gangrel. Former Prince of Dublin and Myrmidon of Ireland. Betrayed and Murdered in Dublin February 2006. (Played by Graham Tormey)
  • Jason Angelis - Mekhet. Former Master of Elysium of Chicago, IL. Kindred Psychologist and unlife chronicler. Died in Chicago during the large gathering in June 2005. (Played by Jim Lai)

Former Carthians

  • Daniel Patrick Doneghan - Daeva Prince and former Prefect of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Renounced his loyalty to the Carthian Movement and was summarily declared a member of the Invictus in late 2005. As of yet, he has shown no outward hostility to his former covenant - and is known to have Carthians in place as both his Seneschal and on his Primogen council. (Played by Mykle McGovern)
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