Phillip Malapek
From Carthian Movement
Jeff Pyritz
Nosferatu (Status x1)
The Carthian Movement (Status x2)
--Current Location--
--Description-- The grouse, coarse Master of Elysium asks one thing of those who visit Dekalb's meeting places: "Don't be a fucker". It has become a singular rule for the biggest-little city in the vampyrdom. During his one year tenure as Master, there has been a single instance of 'fuckery', one swiftly addressed by the often-times skulking Nosferatu.
--Rumors-- - May have been instrumental in raising Alim Essex to Princehood in 2005 - May have conspired with Chicago Invictus to eliminate Angela London, former Prince of Dekalb - May have had his coterie-mate sent to Nigeria - May be conspiring to destroy each member of the Invictus in Illinois