Grace Morgenstern
From Carthian Movement
Public Biography
Grace Morgenstern has worked diligently since her introduction to The Movement, perfecting her craft as an Ambassador through practice in the various business endeavors she has taken on during the century and a half of her vampiric existence (such as Sr VP for PR/Marketing for LUXCorps). She has brokered many deals and treaties in both human and vampiric society, each one equitable and profitable for all parties concerned.
The only Carthian daughter of House Vitelion (a traditionally Invictus lineage), Grace took an active role in Restoration after the US Civil War and, as time passed, the women’s suffrage, minority rights and the US labor movements. Her work with The Movement is the ultimate extension of her beliefs where those areas are concerned. She believes that there is a better way and that one should always look past "how things are done" to "what can be done".
Grace cares deeply about the human condition and in helping those with whom she interacts maintain a respect for life. She acts as a counterpoint to the more militant mindset of some of her fellows, reminding them by active example and deed that death is never the only alternative.
Key Accomplishments (in Chronicle)
Restoration of Carthian population rights in all SE US cities
Consolidation of a power base for The Movement in the US
Establishment of a regional network of cooperative and autonomous praxes
Establishment of a pact of non-aggression and open communication between the Invictus East Coast Bloc and the Carthians of the SE
Drafted the organizational Charter for The Foundation
Current whereabouts are unconfirmed.
It is rumored that the key members of The Trust are Blood Bound to Grace Morgenstern.
It is rumored that Grace Morgenstern controls a coterie of vampiric princes.
It is rumored that Grace Morgenstern is much older than the two centuries she is publicly stated to be.
It is rumored that Grace Morgenstern was the First Consort of Suren-Gal's Liege.
Grace Morgenstern is said to have received a gift of great magical power from Madame Akuete Latour at a Christmas party in December 2005.
Grace Morgenstern is said by some to be the woman upon whom the legends of Gwenhyvar were based.