
From Carthian Movement

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Player - Mark 'Duck' Clutton

Name - Arlington

Clan - Daeva

Covenant - Carthian Movement (Carthian Status x2)

Age - Anecdotal evidence suggests embrace between 1985 and 1996

Location - Nomadic, although usually New South Wales

Role - Soldier, Troubleshooter

Perhaps the most high profile, hardline Carthian Nomad, Arlington has spoken for Nomad rights on many occasions, even presenting a paper regarding their rights at the Summit hosted by President Yaroslav in Moscow during April of 2006. Arlington is a Carthian soldier and a staunch believer in classical liberalism's applications to the society of the night. He is well known among Australian Carthians as being the first to help in any situation, although many interactions have led some to consider that he prefers not to act as a General, rathering to perform the duties of a Lieutenant. Arlington is known as being a faithful follower of Longinus, and attends Mass with the Bishop Isobel Harker of Sydney whenever his duties permit.

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