From Carthian Movement
Revision as of 18:36, 8 March 2012 by (Talk)
6EnzYF I am amazed with the abundance of interesting articles on your site! The author - good luck and wish you the new interesting posts..!
tAuhZM Really informative post. Want more.
Deceased Characters
- Annie London - Mekhet. Former Prince of DeKalb, IL. A charismatic anarchist, self-described troublemaker, expert Egyptologist and forensic archeologist. Murdered in Chicago in March 2006. (Played by Beth Denton)
- Drake Bane - Nosferatu. Former Prefect of Chicago, IL. Killed by Archon Raven for endangering the Masquerade in Summer 2005.
- Frank Swann - Gangrel. Former Prince of Dublin and Myrmidon of Ireland. Betrayed and Murdered in Dublin February 2006. (Played by Graham Tormey)
- Faolan O'Connor - Mekhet. Former Prefect of Chicago, IL. Murdered in Chicago in March 2006. (Played by Brian McKinley)
- Jason Angelis - Mekhet. Former Master of Elysium of Chicago, IL. Kindred Psychologist and unlife chronicler. Died in Chicago during the large gathering in June 2005. (Played by Jim Lai)
- Ketsuki Bara - Daeva. Former Seneschal to Prince London, former Daeva Priscus of Dekalb. Fashion Designer extraordinare. Murdered in Dekalb in Feburary 2006 (Played by J. "Kami" Killeen)
- Sarah Stone - Daeva. Adopted Childe of Marcus Bellinger. Information about death is currently unknown.
- Sarin - Nosferatu. Vanished. Thank goodness.
Former Carthians
- Alim Essex - Mekhet, Prince of DeKalb, Childe of Annie London. Joined the Ordo Dracul shortly after her death.
- Charles Edward Sumner III - Former Daeva prefect of Stillwater, Oklahoma. (Played by Russ Cohen)
- Daniel Patrick Doneghan - Daeva Prince and former Prefect of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Renounced his loyalty to the Carthian Movement and was summarily declared a member of the Invictus in late 2005. As of yet, he has shown no outward hostility to his former covenant - and is known to have Carthians in place as both his Seneschal and on his Primogen council. (Played by Mykle McGovern)