You wake up to water being poured on you

From Create Your Own Story

"Ah, what's going on?!" you shout, as you wake up in what appears to be a prison cell.

Dripping wet, you look up and see a old human man standing over you, with a bucket. "It's time to wake up. You've got a show to put on."

"Show? What's going on, where am I?"

The man chuckles as he tosses the bucket to the side. "You're at an auction house. Nothing special, but we do get the high paying customers from time to time."

"Auction house? What are you selling?"

With an evil chuckle, the man says, "You."

Your eyes widen, and fear strikes you like a battle ax. But before you can dwell on it, a sharp tug against your throat forces you to your feet, and another forces you to follow the man. Instantly you realize that you have a collar and leash attached to you, and your hands bound behind your back.

Health Horny, female orc, slave Equipment:

collar, leash, wrist binds

Experience Virgin
HP 100
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