MSSY1:Scythe Cannon

From Create Your Own Story

Previous Attack Energy Shield Enemy Condition
Voltage Disruptor 50 30 Moderate Damage
"Scythe Cannon!" you shout at the screen while narrowly avoiding a large barrage of bullets. You can see them kick up a ton of dirt and ping off the steel walls of the arena where you'd been standing a second before.

<System: Selection confirmed. Activating recall device... >

You zig-zag your robot left and right to avoid your opponent's machine gun fire the best you can while the green outline of your weapon appears on the shoulder of your robot.

<System: Shields down to 75%. Energy buildup detected... >

The bullets cease, and you turn your robot to face your opponent who now also has a shoulder-mounted weapon. It was tucked away safely on the back of his robot but now it sits on its' shoulder, the barrels of the missile pod aimed into the sky above you.

In a flash, your weapon materializes. The long, wide, yet narrow barrel of the Scythe Cannon extends a few meters ahead of you. Its' smooth, sleek, and white design is occassionally marred by ugly wires jutting out of it and connecting it to your robot, its' only power source.

Not wasting any time, you hammer down on the trigger.

"Zzzzz... pew-m!" your cannon says as it unleashes a bolt of energy shaped like a scythe blade. It twirls in the air, a whirling blade of death created from energy hurling toward your opponent at a blazingly fast pace. You fire off three shots in rapid successfion before a bright flash signals that's the end of that weapon.

<System: Recall device ma- >

"I get it already! Enough!" you call to the AI informing you of the obvious.

<System: Energy reserves down to 50%. >

As the first of your shots nears your opponent, several panels open up on his right side and you see small booster flames shunt him to the side. He leaves deep scuff marks in the earth as his robot shifts a few feet to the side.

The first shot from your Scythe Cannon passes by harmlessly.

Four streams of smoke suddenly erupt from the rear of his missile pod, and you take that as your cue to start running.

<System: Missile lock detected! >

You really should have created an intelligent AI instead of the Captain Obvious AI you have.

Your second blast strikes your opponent square in the chest. Its' stopped by his shield but the force is still enough to push him back. One missile launches into the air, followed by a second, then a third. Just as the fourth is launching your third energy scythe nails his shield and forces him back further while sending the missile careening out of control and impacting into the shield that protects the audience. The explosion is immense and causes the whole ground to shake. You do not want to be hit by any of those!

<System: Tracking... Estimating... Time to impact 10 seconds. 9... 8... >

"Finally, you're being helpful," you say to the AI as you reach up and flick a few switches in the cockpit to prime countermeasures.

"Automatically launch countermeasures when appropriate," you instruct.

<System: Confirm. 7... 6... 5... Launching countermeasures. >

You hear several pops as metal panels on your robot's shoulders pop free to launch missile countermeasures into the air. Not a second after they've launched, you are rocked by two nearby explosions as smoke quickly fills the air and shrapnel rains down on you.

"Where is the third one!?" you ask, having not heard it explode.

<System: Unknown. Sensors are dis- >

You are thrown against the side of your cockpit as the stray missile strikes your robot's shield on your side. You grip onto the controls, turning your knuckles white, as you struggle to keep your ten tons of metal from losing its' balance and collapsing.

Your arms shake from the force you have to use to keep the sticks steady. You hear a hissing sound as some internal wires snap and spray coolant somewhere inside your machine.

"Damnit! Status!"

<System: Shields down to 30%. Neglible internal damage. Warning. I cannot detect the transponder signals of offensive ordinance. >

"Another recall device malfunction?" you ask while recovering control of your machine and turning to face your opponent who is still recovering himself from your Scythe Cannon blasts.

<System: Affirmitive. Defensive device transponder signals are still active. Recommend deploying one while I try to repair the link. Also, enemy condition is degraded. >

"Alright, fine," you say, trying to think of what defensive devices you stored in the pocket dimension. Two spring to mind...

Select Your Action
Guardian Shield [20 EN] Magno-Tether [20 EN]
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