Plead with Penny on the man's behalf

From Create Your Own Story

"Aw, be nice to him, Penny," you say. "You shouldn't take a man's penis away just because he refuses to believe in magic."

"Yeah!" the man says.

"You've still got your penis," Penny says. "It's just shaped a bit differently now."

"I want it shaped like a penis!" the man says.

"We all want so many things," Penny says, then turns towards you. "You're only speaking up for him because you want a penis to ride. You wouldn't care about him anymore if you had a dildo."

"Maybe," you say.

"Let's find out," Penny says. "Which would you like better? A magic dildo doing you under its own power, or me doing you with a strap-on? Choose quickly, my strap-on or my dildo, because you're going to get your pussy plowed in ten, nine, eight..."

You quickly choose:

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