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From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:14, 12 October 2010 by -Sentinel- (Talk | contribs)
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You deploy all sails. The other galleon takes a sharp turn to port in an attempt to shake you off, but Midnight is more agile. The way things are going, you should catch up with your target in a minute. What could possibly go wrong?


Your ship lurches, grinds to a halt and almost capsizes. Seems like you have run into some unseen reefs that nearly tore off the underside of your ship. You watch in helpless rage as the Portuguese galleon, apparently light enough by now to pass through the reefs without any damage, sails away... You just fell for one of the oldest tricks in the sailor's handbook.

It will take several hours for the tide to allow you to leave this place, then the entire night for the crew to repair Midnight's hull. Due to your miserable failure, YOU LOSE 2 AUTHORITY POINTS. By now the men are pretty much disgusted with your incompetence at raiding, and you have no choice but to take the high seas in search of something else to do.

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