ADAS/Sidney, A smelly outcast fat girl
From Create Your Own Story
Revision as of 13:14, 29 September 2010 by Epic-Stories (Talk | contribs)
Yeah...although you really didn't wanna sit by her, you had no choice, as all the other seats were taken, and as usual she wore the same clothes from the previous day and was at the far back. You held your breath for the whole ride to school surprisingly and was relieved to finally get off the bus and went straight into the school. You went to first period, which was English, and as usual, nobody was really paying attention. As you stare off into space, you notice that...
Boy choices:
- ADASAverage/What are Nicole and Jessica doing?
- ADASNerd/Sara's boobs are sooo big...
- ADASOutcast/Nothing, as you're too busy thinking of ways to cause havoc.
Girl choices:
- ADASAverageG/No way, James is really doing THAT in class?
- ADASNerdG/I'm gonna really give it to John during our break period. You stare at him.
- ADASOutcastG/Nothing, as you're one of the few actually paying attention even though the popular girls keep talking about you, which you can obviously hear as they sit right behind you.