Forget it!

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 06:29, 31 March 2010 by OminousFlare (Talk | contribs)
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You crank up the tunes so loud, muteness was brought to the world, not that you would notice.

You nod your head up and down, following the beat, enjoying the boldness of the artist who dare to express his opinions loud and proud. You find it enjoyable for a while, however, after a few minutes of walking, the artist's voice seems to begin be muffling, as if cotton-wool has been applied over his mouth.

Or your ears.

You remove the earphones immediately upon realizing what is happening. Too late. A ringing noise buzzes across your eardrums. You try to make clear of the surrounding noise in the world, but nothing came through except a continuous ringing.

Congrats. You've just joined the Social Group of the Disabled, specifically the Deaf.

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

iPod, backpack, lunch

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Hermaphrodite
Social Group Punk
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