Check out the Data Recording

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:15, 1 March 2010 by JoeBloggs (Talk | contribs)
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Feeling a small wave of System Shock nostalgia, you activate the DATA RECORDING. It's GROWLY VOICE again.

GROWLY: We've spent billions of credits on this project, but nobody seems to care that we've gone over budget. Maybe we'd go faster if it wasn't just us two and an army of redshirts on the project- not to mention that I still think Miranda barely knows anything about science at all. Sure, sure, The Illusive Man claims she's up to it, but... Well, what kind of theoretical physicist does nothing but shoot things?

It's obviously just a whiny cyber-journal. You switch it off.

AUSTRALIAN: Stop stuffing around, shepard! I can't give you tutorials all bloody day, you know!

Grumbling, you exit and advance down the hallway, taking the time to appreciate some scripted scenes through the windows. A heavy mech guns someone down in the hall, cracking the glass between you. Some nice bloodsplatter there. Well-voiced death cries, too. You can't wait to verse one of those yourself!

Finally, you get through the door to a observation deck.

AUSTRALIAN: There's some mechs on the other side of that door coming towards you- pick up that convientiently-placed grenade launcher, quick!

Do you:

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