ROTS: Continue, oral all you want

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He rolls his head back as you go to work, letting out an adorable moan of pleasure. You were never thrilled during your dating days to polish his cock but you've been faithful to him all of these months he's been away in the wars and now even head is a giant relief and thrill. You let him go nice and deep, uncomfortably squishing past your tonsils in a way that gives you a chill and soaks your panties. Pulling him out of your throat you tease his fat pink head with your soft lips, tickling the tip with your tongue. You can see him getting hot, his skin moist with fresh sticky sweat. As his moans become shorter and quicker you can tell he's getting ready to climax. You wonder if you should stop and save his energy for the real work but you also are aware that he's been away so long that even if he cums now he'll probably have more than enough left in him for your other orifices...

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Senator Padme Amidala
Revenge of the Sith

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