Go into the back room with them

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:29, 14 January 2010 by Jonikpel (Talk | contribs)
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The big black dude leads his woman down the hall by the arm and you follow, staring as her round ass pushes against her tight stretch pants. Her amazing ass bounces inticingly in front of you but it doesn't seem flabby at all and you notice how toned her arms and legs are whenever she tries to resist her date. He's clearly too strong for her though and she eventually quits protesting about the time he reaches a closet door. He opens the door and ushers her inside. She's not happy about this and is letting him know with angry whispers. But for some reason, she doesn't scream or even yell.

The black dude turns and motions for you to enter. It's not a very big room. The usual cleaning implements are there. You suddenly notice that this guy is very big, very muscular and very serious.


Welcome to the University
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Male
Height 6 feet
Weight 195 lbs
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