Freak out and try to escape

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It felt good while it lasted, but this is too much. You don't want to get impregnated by this strange creature, so you start to move your hands to pull the tentacle out of your pussy. The tentacle you are lying on immediately spring up and grab your arms, holding them tight. As you try to move, more tentacles reach out and grab your legs. You are helpless as the bulges travel up the tentacle in your pussy, and you see smaller bulges farther along all the rest of the vines slowly traveling towards you. The first of the larger bulges contacts your lips of your pussy and travels inside easily, until it reaches your cervix. You feel something deposited inside your womb followed by two more, and you start building toward orgasm again even though you're struggling. Then, the first of the smaller bulges reaches a vine posed above your face. It erupts in gooey cum that dips down your face. The one in your mouth erupts as well, rewarding you with that sweet tasting liquid. Soon, every one of them are shooting their cum in you or on you. The one in your pussy and ass erupt together sending you over the edge of your own climax. When it ends, they are still shooting, inside and outside. Your belly swells sightly as more and more cum is deposited in your three holes. Your fur is matted down by the large amounts as another climax erupts from your body, making you pass out in pleasure.

When you wake up, you are still bound by all of the tentacles, and cannot move. Not only that, the tentacle in your mouth has moved down your throat. You suspect that all three tentacles that are inside of you have moved deeper, but you can't really tell how far they've gone. The creature also seems to have some sort of base telepathy that can communicate its feelings and desires. You know that it wanted you to impregnate, since that is the only way it reproduces. It no longer trusts you since you tried to escape, and is going to hold you here for the entire seven-week gestation period.

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Gender Female
Species Feline
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