TT: NoEscort

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:12, 10 October 2009 by Rawar (Talk | contribs)
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"No," you say. "It's a short walk."

"Alright." Michael says. "Stay safe."

You leave the dungeon and turn left, heading back down the passage you came from. Eventually, you reach the stairway and take it up. It leads you back to a passage which in turn opens up into a huge room.

It's not the one you entered the castle by.

It is a huge ballroom, adorned with faded reds and golds. Tarnished light fixtures hang on the walls, and a balcony sweeps around the sides.

There are no windows. The only light comes from the lit candles in the chandelier and the wall fixtures.

This is not natural you think.

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