Accept the deal without knowing the terms

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 14:20, 11 September 2009 by Bobyourownadventure (Talk | contribs)

You think about his proposition for a second. "Oui. We have a deal."

The RED spy snickers to himself.

"Bon...tres bon....If you desire to kill our sniper...then we can only repay you in kind."

You know exactly what he wants. If you are to murder the RED Sniper then he wants a chance at killing the BLU sniper.

Since you agree to the terms he tells you his plan. You are to keep your engineer disguise and go to the barracks. There you will use a security code to the sniper's room and make his death appear to be an accident. Afterwards you will leave 2Fort for good through an underground tunnel under the RED base.

You agree to this plan and he leaves you with a bow.

After a few minutes of navigating through the maze-like corridors you finally find what appears to be the barracks. This is it. Today the RED sniper dies....but what was that code again?

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