Rub the Gem of Yendor (1 Charge)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:04, 5 August 2009 by Forsak3n1 (Talk | contribs)
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You rub the Gem of Yendor, using up it's one charge which causes it to shatter. A barrier forms around you and you are instantly standing at the camp of the 3 Friars.

"Why, hello there, Guy. I see that you have used our gem." Friar Flying Burrito says.

"Yeah, I used the Gem. Quite handy too." you reply.

"Here, come and eat with us, Guy." Friar Corsican says.

You eat and you sleep with the 3 Friars.

Now you feel quite sleepy and the four of you falls asleep...

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