Say, "Let's find a room."

From Create Your Own Story

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Zeth's eyes narrowed. "Do you really think I'm that easy?" he asked. "That I'd just complacently bend over for you? I hate to be the one to tell you, but you are not as charming as you think you are." Dez opened his mouth to say something angry, but the kid did have a point.

"I understand that you don't trust me, and you have no reason to. You barely know me. I just meant that we should find someplace where we won't be seen or overheard. I could get into a lot of trouble for helping you." Zeth looked thoughtful for a moment, as if he hadn't considered that.

Finally, he said, "All right. You lead the way, I'll follow several paces behind, so it doesn't look like we're together." Dez nodded and started to leave, but Zeth caught him by the arm. "Just so we're clear," he said, "I know we don't lose the use of our magic until after dinner, so if you try anything, I'll shove a tornado so far up your ass it'll mess up your hair." Dez had to struggle to keep a straight face, but he managed to nod solemnly before heading into the castle.

Even though Zeth's threat was a joke, his magic wasn't. He was powerful enough to do exactly what he said, though Dez had a feeling it would do a bit more than mess up his hair. Dez strode down the short, empty entrance hall and into the circular foyer. He paused a moment to get his bearings.

Left led to the dining hall, where all the other mages would be gathering before dinner. Straight ahead were various libraries, galleries, studios, and other such useless rooms. To the right was the long hall of private rooms where they would rest after the conference. The grand, sweeping staircase led to the upper floors, which were restricted to all by the Council members. To be caught up there would mean certain death.

Dez should...

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